
 2022-08-31 09:08


摘 要





In recent years, the number of listed companies with "high transfer" dividend policy in China has shown an increasing trend, and "high transfer" of the number of stock transfer is growing, so that attract the attention of the market. This special phenomenon has gradually become the focus of common concern.

This paper chooses the "high transfer" stocks from 2007 to 2016 as the research sample to study the market effect of "high transfer" of listed companies. On the one hand to explore the decade of "high send" market trends, found that domestic companies increasingly prefer to increase the number of shares per share, the stock transfer more tend to use the "high transfer" form. On the other hand, using incident research to study the situation of excess returns, empirical research shows that "high transfer" stocks have different performance at different stages, and there is a significant positive excess returns before dividend announcement date. In addition, according to the specific case of listed companies, this paper analyze the "high transfer" motive, and point out the existence of the market chaos, to discuss whether the need to supervise "high transfer" stocks. This paper hopes to explore the market response of the "high transfer" stocks through a series of studies, and make relevant recommendations about how to rationally treat the "high transfer" stocks.

KEY WORDS: "high transfer", market effect, abnormal return, motivation

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3相关概念介绍 1

1.3.1“高送转”的定义 2

1.3.2股利政策的日期介绍 2

1.4研究内容 3

1.5研究方法 4

第二章 相关学说与文献综述 4

2.1相关学说 5

2.2超额收益研究 6

第三章 “高送转”的市场变化趋势研究 8

3.1数据来源与样本选取 8

3.2市场整体趋势 9

3.2送转股数变化 11

第四章 “高送转”超额收益的实证研究 15

4.1数据来源与样本选取 15

4.2理论假设 15

4.3研究思路 16

4.3.1研究思路介绍 16

4.3.2数据统计方法 17

4.4结果与分析 18

第五章 “高送转”动机的案例分析 26

5.1“高送转”与减持的案例 26

5.2“高送转”与其他动机的案例 28

5.3“高送转”是否需要监管 30

第六章 总结与建议 31

6.1研究结论 31

6.2相关建议 31

6.2.1合理送转 31

6.2.2制度完善 32

6.2.3投资建议 32

致谢 33

参考文献(References) 34

第一章 绪论








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