
 2022-01-26 12:01


摘 要






Ownership structure is the basis of corporate governance mechanism property and corporate governance mechanism determines the operating performance of companies. When looking for the proper ownership structure to improve corporate governance structure, the company operating performance can be regarded as the important indicators of whether the ownership structure is reasonable.In order to adapt to the needs of economic development and banking competition, our banking industry has been futher opened to the outside world. With the mixed ownership reform accelerated , the equity structure of commercial banks shows the characteristics of diversification. However, as the main body of market economy,commercial bank is different from general industrial companies. It worths exploring and researching how equity structure through the corporate governance affects the business performance.

We put China's 16 listed commercial Banks as the research objects, on the basis of theoretical analysis, from the four aspects of profitability, liquidity, security of assets and growth to construct effective comprehensive performance indicators by factor analysis. Use the proportion of state shares (PS), legal person share proportion (PL) and foreign legal person share proportion (PF) and free float (PT) to represent the ownership structure variables, and use the first big shareholder stake (L1), the top five shareholders' shareholding (L5), the first and second largest shareholders share ratio (L1 / L2) (i.e., Z index), the sum of the top 10 shareholders holding (CR10) to represent the ownership concentration index variables. The panel data of listed Banks in 2009-2014 is used. Listed bank's comprehensive performance is the explained variable and equity structure and ownership concentration are the explanatory variables. Use SPSS statistical software for factor analysis and the STATA measurement software for variable regression. Based on these, the empirical research on the relationship between commercial bank ownership structure and performance has carried. Also, to some policy suggestions on optimizing China's listed Banks ownership structure and improving operating performance issues have been put forward in hopes of deepening China's banking industry equity reform and providing some reference value for banking management.

The main research conclusions of this article are as following: the proportion of foreign legal person share and tradable shares show significant positive correlation with listed banks operating performance ; the top five shareholders' ownership also showed a significant positive correlation with operating performance; within the moderate scope, the control ability of the biggest shareholder is positively related to the listed banks operating performance; And the relationship of the biggest shareholder with the listed banks operating performance is not significant.

Key words: Listed Commercial Banks; Business Performance; Equity Structure

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景、研究定位和研究价值 1

1.1.1 研究背景与问题的提出 1

1.1.2 研究价值 1

1.2 研究思路与研究方法 2

1.2.1研究思路 2

1.2.2研究方法 2

1.3 研究内容及其结构安排 2

第二章 理论基础与文献综述 4

2.1 理论基础 4

2.1.1股权结构的内涵界定 4

2.1.2股权结构与公司治理的相关理论 4

2.1.3股权结构对公司经营绩效的影响机制 5

2.2 文献综述 5

2.2.1 相关实证研究 5

2.2.2 文献评述 6

第二章 我国上市银行股权结构及经营绩效现状 7

3.1 股权结构现状 7

3.1.1 集中度 7

3.1.2 股权构成 10

3.2 经营绩效现状 13

3.2.1盈利能力指标分析 13

3.2.2 运营能力指标分析 15

3.2.3 偿债能力指标分析 16

3.2.4 发展能力指标分析 17

第四章 研究设计与实证分析 19

4.1 样本选取 19

4.2 变量指标的选取 19

4.2.1 经营绩效变量指标选取 19

4.2.2 经营绩效数据的处理与检验 19

4.2.3 股权构成变量指标选取 26

4.2.4 股权集中度变量指标选择 26

4.3 实证分析模型与检验 27

4.3.1 实证分析假设与模型 27

4.3.2 实证模型检验 29

第五章 研究结论和相关建议 31

5.1 研究结论 31

5.1.1 股权集中度与上市银行绩效的关系 31

5.1.2 股权构成与上市银行绩效的关系 31

5.1.3 实证总结 31

5.2 政策建议 32

5.2.1 进一步优化完善资本市场 32

5.2.2 积极鼓励持股主体多样化 32

5.2.3 促进建立相对制衡的股权结构 32

参考文献 33

致 谢 35


1.1 研究背景、研究定位和研究价值

1.1.1 研究背景与问题的提出


1.1.2 研究价值

有效的公司治理机制是商业银行实现健康而可持续发展的基础,自2003 年我国对银行业施行股份制改革以来,公司治理机制的改革与探索已经进入新的阶段。其中尤其是针对我国银行业公司治理存在的问题以及亟待改进的地方,还需要继续进行全面的考虑和探索。根据《2014年中国银行家调查报告》,2014 年,我国银行家对中国银行业的公司治理水平总体评价较高,但较往年相比仍然是有所下降,特别是公司治理中的股权集中度还有待完善。他们认为,我国公司治理机制上存在的问题主要集中在以下两个方面:第一,独立董事和外部监事制度的有效性不高;第二,三会一行的完善程度仍然还不够。其中,最需要得到改善和解决的问题还是如何优化商业银行股权结构以及建立科学的股权激励机制。


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