
 2022-02-28 08:02


摘 要







Rural credit on the demand of the farmers can be divided into consumer-credit and product-credit, which both respectively influence the consumption structure of necessary and developmental consumption structure, and this kind of influence will be effected by the rural credit demand and supply, rural residents of the local economy, credit constraints and the production technology level of industry. Among them, the per capita income of farmers is the most important in consumer credit mechanism.

Limited credit source of rural financial institutions, serious capital outflow lead to shortage of rural credit supply, and the growth of rural industry income in recent years makes huge rural credit demand ,so that the rural credit market overall demand outstrips supply. And rural residents' consumption structure in China has begun forming from developmental consumption structure to consumption structure. But there are more differences between regions, especially the consumption structure in the central and western regions is still in a lower level.

This article selects 10 years (from 2001 to 2001) data of 31 provinces for the income of rural residents per capita consumption and per capita rural credit level data to do empirical analysis. Due to the selected sample almost consist of overall sample, this article choose individual fixed effects model. The empirical results show that rural credit does exist significant impact to rural residents’ consumption, especially on the development-oriented consumption structure. Due to China's long-term urban and rural dual structure which brings negative effects to rural financial institutions, rural credit's influence on the development of credit exists regional differences. In this article, areas all over the word are divided into three regions, namely eastern areas, western areas and midlands. The empirical results highlighted that rural credit of western region had a great effect on the development-oriented consumption structure. Therefore, support for rural credit in the Midwest is more effective, especially to increase production of credit capital investment, to increase farmers' income, to consider the local economy and the level of industrial technology, to promote the rural residents' consumption and to improve the consumption structure at last.

KEYWORDS: rural credit; rural consumption structure; regional differences;

农村信贷对农村居民消费总量与结构的影响 I

摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 文献综述 1

1.2.1关于农村信贷需求及影响因素方面的研究 1

1.2.2关于农村信贷对当地经济的影响研究 2

1.2.3关于农村约束对农村经济增长的影响 2

1.2.4文献评述 2

1.3 研究思路与方法 3

1.3.1研究思路 3

1.3.2研究方法 3

1.4 本文主要结论和可能创新点 4

第2章 农村信贷对农村居民消费结构影响的理论分析 5

2.1 基本理论框架 5

2.1.1生产型信贷农户的生产 5

2.1.2消费型信贷农户的生产 5

2.1.3信贷农户的收入水平 5

2.2 农户信贷对农村居民消费的影响分析 6

2.2.1农村消费型信贷对生存型消费结构产生直接影响 6

2.2.2农村信贷通过影响农村居民收入间接影响各类消费结构 6

第3章 我国农村信贷的供需现状 7

3.1 农村信贷资金供给短缺 7

3.1.1从农村信贷资金来源分析 7

3.1.2从农村信贷资金流向分析 7

3.2 农村金融机构信贷供给服务现状 8

3.2.1国家对农村信用社的支持 8

3.2.2农村信用社信贷供给问题 8

3.3 农村居民信贷需求现状 8

3.3.1 农村居民生存型信贷需求市场 8

3.3.2农村居民发展型信贷需求市场 9

第4章 我国农村居民消费结构的发展变化 10

4.1 农村居民消费结构总体变化 10

4.2 分地区农村居民消费结构的现状 11

4.3 分地区农村居民消费结构的发展变化 12

第5章 实证分析 14

5.1 数据来源 14

5.2 变量选取 14

5.2.1控制变量 14

5.2.2 其他控制变量 15

5.2.3变量描述性统计 15

5.2.4模型的建立 15

5.3 实证结果分析 16

5.3.1农村信贷对全国农村居民消费的影响 16

5.3.2农村信贷对农村居民消费两类消费结构的影响 17

5.3.3 分地区农村信贷对农村居民消费结构的影响(中东西地区) 17

第6章 结论与政策建议 20

6.1 研究总结 20

6.2 中西部地区信贷发展政策建议 20

6.2.1通过农村信切实增加农民收入 20

6.2.2将开拓农村信贷市场提上日程 20

6.2.3构建完善农村小额信贷财政机制 21

6.2.4大力推进农村创业贷款机制 21

参考文献 22

致谢 23


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