Ross Recovery定理在国内股票市场上的应用

 2022-05-01 09:05


摘 要


本文的目的是首先回顾传统期权定价理论,然后介绍Ross Recovery定理,包括定理的假设、模型推导过程,并分析定理的局限性。本文的创新点在于运用实证分析,将该理论应用在国内上证50ETF市场,并对实证结果进行分析和反思总结。


关键词:Ross Recovery定理,测度变化,上证50ETF,Bootstrap


Under the assumption of complete market, the traditional financial engineering can obtain the risk-neutral probability measure from the real probability measure, so as to obtain the price of derivative under the risk-neutral measure. However, it is theoretically difficult to recover the real-world probability from the risk neutral probability. Although some solutions have been developed, most of them rely on the historical data to predict the future distribution. Ross proposes a novel method to recover the real probability from the risk neutral probability measure under some hypothesis, that is, to recover the relevant information of the underlying price from the option information, so Ross recovery is not dependent on the historical data.

The purpose of this paper is to introduce Ross recovery theorem after reviewing the traditional option pricing theory, including the hypothesis of the theorem, the derivation process of the model, and analyze the limitations of the theorem. The innovation of this paper lies in the application of empirical analysis in the domestic SSE 50ETF market, and the analysis and discussion of empirical results are summarized.

The empirical process is carried out in accordance with the three steps of the recovery theorem. First, the process of derivation in continuous state can be used to solve the state price matrix by tenors S through difference in discrete state, and then the constrained optimization calculation can be realized through Matlab to calculate the state price transition matrix P. Finally, the natural probability transition matrix F is recovered by finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix P.

Finally, the recovered marginal probability of real probability is compared with the marginal probability generated through bootstrap and the recovered marginal distribution is also compared with the risk-neutral distribution. The empirical results showed that the recovery theorem is feasible in China's stock market

KEY WORDS: Ross recovery theorem, Change of measure, Domestic SSE 50ETF, Bootstrap


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 2

1.1 Recovery定理的研究现状 2

1.2 本文研究内容 4

第二章 Ross Recovery定理 5

2.1 传统期权定价理论 5

2.1.1 B-S微分方程 5

2.1.2 风险中性定理 6

2.1.3 测度变换 6

2.2 Ross recovery理论 8

2.2.1 定义 8

2.2.2 假设 9

2.2.3 Recovery定理 9

第三章 Recovery定理在我国市场的实证探究 12

3.1 实证步骤介绍 12

3.2 实证前的数据处理 13

3.3 Recovery定理的实证过程 16

3.4 实证结果 19

3.5 讨论和分析 23

3.5.1 数据及方法的限制 24

3.5.2 Ross Recovery定理的局限性 25

第四章 结论与展望 26

致谢 27

参考文献 28

附录A 29

附录B 30





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