目 录
1 引言 1
2 文献综述 1
3 数据和方法说明 3
3.1 数据说明 3
3.2 方法说明 3
3.2.1 偏离份额分析法 3
3.2.3 产业关联性分析 5
4 实证分析 5
4.1 2002-2012年间不同阶段各产业产出增长速度对比 6
4.2 2002-2012年间各产业的偏离份额分析 7
4.3各产业总产出中的Xr和Xe的结构分解 9
4.4 Xr和Xe的结构分解 11
5产业结构变化原因分析 14
5.1 对口援建的主要产业 14
5.2 产业关联性及产业结构变化分析 14
5.2.1 产业关联性分析 14
5.2.2 产业结构变化分析 16
6 结论与建议 17
参考文献 18
致 谢 23
Abstract: Earthquake disasters have a huge impact on the economy. It is extremely important to analyze the impact of earthquake disasters on the changes in the industrial structure. Taking the Wenchuan Earthquake as an example, this paper combines the input-output table and uses the deviation share analysis method, structural decomposition method, and industrial correlation analysis method to analyze the impact of the Wenchuan earthquake on various industries in Sichuan Province, and studies the policy of “assistance to support construction” in the aftermath of the disaster. The role of industrial structure change in Sichuan Province. The results show that: (1) The growth rate of each industry varies, and the actual growth rate of each industry output is higher than the national average. (2) The final demand-induced output (Xr) in the region accounts for a large proportion of total output, and the export demand-induced output (Xe) accounts for a smaller proportion of total output. ∆A (change in technical coefficient) and ∆F (change in regional final demand) have a greater impact on Xr in total output, and ∆e (change in export coefficient) has a significant effect on each Xe. (3) In the pre-disaster phase, ∆D (change in regional purchasing power coefficient) promoted the increase of Xr in most industries in the primary industry and the secondary industry, and promoted the growth of the secondary industry, especially the manufacturing industry, Xr, and The Xr contribution from the three industries is huge. In the post-disaster phase, ∆D and ∆A restrained the growth of the first industry Xr, ∆A drove the growth of the second industry Xr, ∆F promoted the development of the third industry Xr, and ∆A counteracted the Xr of the third industry. (4) The degree of sensitivity coefficient and influence coefficient of the primary industry declined significantly, the relatedness of the tertiary industry was relatively weak, and the secondary industry showed high correlation, but the relatedness of the internal industry within the secondary industry was different. obvious. (5) With the support of counterparty assistance and construction policies, the primary industry maintained rapid growth during the disaster, but the post-disaster growth rate slowed down and the industrial competitiveness dropped drastically. The tertiary industry recovered quickly and maintained rapid growth, affecting other industries. Strengthened. Finally, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are proposed.
Keywords: Wenchuan earthquake; Input-output table; Shift-Share Method; Structural decomposition method; Counterpart assistance
1 引言
2 文献综述
近年来,灾害损失评估与灾害恢复重建研究等得到了越来越多的重视,很多学者做了相关研究。主要可以分为三类。一是研究灾害对区域经济的整体影响。这类研究较为常见,如Skidmore和Toya[1]、Cuaresma [2],Cavallo [3]等通过使用跨国数据,从长期增长的角度对灾后的产业结构变化进行了研究。Albala声称,灾难会导致局部损失和资本活动损失,但不会对更大的经济体(如短期和长期的国民经济)产生负面或正面的影响[4]。Okuyama认为由于资源、人力资本积累水平和技术替代水平的变化,产业结构变化会进一步影响受灾地区经济的长期增长[5]。此外,许多学者以神户地震为例,在此领域展开了细致的研究。Fujiki、Cheng认为灾害的影响是短暂的,并且经济持续下滑的原因是经济的结构性变化[6]。Chang采用了简单的指标衡量地震后神户市的恢复情况,结果表明灾后重建需要注入3~4年的收益,而且恢复后的经济水平比灾前水平低大约10%。Chang认为神户港的活动的受到严重破坏,在地震中几乎完全失去了所有的转运货物贸易[7]。在与Chang的简单方法相比,Du Pont和Noy采用了计量经济模型和综合控制方法,从宏观经济指标中提取地震效应,如GRP 和地方政府的支出,分析了1995年的地震后灾区经济的长期走势。他们的研究结果显示,此次地震对该地区的经济产生了持续的不利影响[8]。在我国,解伟等人运用CGE模型,评估了2008年南方雨雪冰冻灾害导致的交通中断对湖南省经济造成的间接影响[9]。胡爱军等人则是从基础设施损失角度考虑,对此次雨雪冰冻灾害造成的间接经济损失进行了评估[10]。张鹏投入产出模型估算了1998年湖南洪涝灾害造成的间接经济损失,并结合救灾政策评估了灾后灾区的恢复状况[11]。殷洁通过选取174场成灾台风作为研究对象,通过划分台风强度等级,并将各项损失率指标进行拟合,得出各项灾损指标的损失率曲线[12]。杨林等构建了海洋灾害损失指数,评估了1989-2011年中国沿海地区海洋灾害损失情况,发现海洋灾害虽然对受灾地区造成了直接经济损失,但并不是影响沿海地区经济增长的主要因素[13];桑京京等研究发现洪涝灾害对山西省经济的发展产生了十分显著的影响[14]。闫绪娴的研究更为细致,她认为灾害损失与经济增长之间存在一定关系,即当灾害损失占GDP比重低于0.0103时,灾害对经济的增长起到正向促进作用。反之,灾害损失与经济增长负相关[15]。杨萍选取全球94个国家作为样本,发现自然灾害对经济增长的影响较小,影响程度不显著[16],这与其他学者研究的结果大不相同。