摘 要
关键词:微信小程序, JavaScript, 高德地图API
In the age of mobile internet, major companies and businesses choose to provide services to their users through mobile APP. However, with the development of mobile phone APP, various APP of the same type appear repeatedly, and both the mobile phone memory and the opening speed of the APP are restricted. More and more users are more inclined to use only a few APP every day. In this case, mini programs emerged as the times require.
The author mainly introduces the development flow of the public transportation query system based on the mini program, and introduces detailedly the requirements and feasibility analysis of the system, the runtime environment and key technologies, the overall architecture and the division and design of the functional modules. He also introduces the overall development process, and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the mini program, and proposes the direction for extended development. The system mainly realizes the functions of positioning, real-time weather querying, points of interest searching, input prompting, and route planning.
The system development environment is WeChat developer tools, and the runtime environment is WeChat. The development languages used include WXML tag language, WXSS style language and JavaScript language, where WXML and WXSS implement front-end pages, and JavaScript implements logical layer. The data is provided by the Amap open platform. It is obtained by calling the Amap API or by making an HTTPS request and parsed by the logic level.
KEY WORDS: Mini Program, JavaScript, Amap API
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景和意义 1
1.2 论文内容与结构 1
第二章 系统分析 3
2.1 需求分析 3
2.1.1 功能概述 3
2.1.2 性能需求 3
2.2 可行性分析 4
第三章 系统技术及运行环境 5
3.1 小程序全局配置 5
3.3 JavaScript简介 7
3.4 高德地图API 8
3.5 开发准备及运行环境 8
第四章 系统结构设计 10
4.1 系统总体结构 10
4.1.1 微信小程序架构 10
4.1.2 微信小程序生命周期 10
4.1.3 系统总体结构 11
4.2 子模块划分与功能分配 11
4.3 子模块设计 12
4.3.1 地图定位模块 12
4.3.2 天气查询模块 14
4.3.3 输入提示模块 15
4.3.4 周边兴趣点模块 16
4.3.5 路线规划模块 18
4.4 子模块之间的联系 20
第五章 系统实现与测试 22
5.1 主界面 22
5.1.1 主界面 22
5.1.2 界面设计原则 22
5.2 地图定位 23
5.2.1 界面及测试结果 23
5.2.2 功能实现 24
5.3 天气查询 25
5.3.1 界面及测试结果 25
5.3.2 功能实现 26
5.4 周边搜索 27
5.4.1 界面及测试结果 27
5.4.2 功能实现 28
5.5 路线规划 30
5.5.1 界面及测试结果 30
5.5.2 功能实现 33
第六章 结论 35
6.1 成果 35
6.2 展望 35
6.3 小程序优劣势总结 35
致谢 36
参考文献 37
第一章 绪论
1.1 选题背景和意义