
 2022-09-18 17:15:04


摘 要





With the development of information technology, a new and diversified way of learning is born. Mobile learning integrates the scattered, discontinuous and fragmented times of modern people effectively to meet the needs of people's life and work. The increasingly mature mobile network technology, cheap mobile terminal equipment and wide social market demand provide favorable conditions for the development of mobile learning. The combination of digital learning and mobile computing produces mobile learning. Mobile learning, which has been proposed more than ten years ago, has been slowly developed by the limitations of the software and hardware resources at that time. With the development of mobile technology in recent years, the technology of mobile communication and terminal has been quite mature, and the problem of mobile learning has been solved gradually, and it has gradually begun to implement effectively.

In order to meet the needs of society for learning in mobile devices, this topic studies the design and implementation of mobile learning system based on Android. This paper, based on the actual situation of University, combined with the development of intelligent client and real-time synchronous transmission of streaming media, studies the mobile learning system which can be used in the selection of curriculum content, online video watching, online testing, online question answering and other functions based on the Android platform. It is applied to the teaching of college courses to effectively solve the problems in Colleges and universities. In education and teaching, the quality structure of students is complex, and the practicality and pertinence of learning contents are high.

Keywords: Diversification; Mobile; MOOC(massive open online courses);Android; Synchronization; Intelligence;open source.


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 前言 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外现状及应用状况 1

1.2.1 国外的现状 1

1.2.2 国内的现状 2

1.2.3 应用状况 2

1.3 研究方案与设计思路 3

1.3.1 研究方案 3

1.3.2 设计思路 3

1.4 论文体系结构 3

第二章 开发环境相关技术介绍 4

2.1 开发环境 4

2.1.1 MySQL介绍 4

2.1.2 Android Studio介绍 4

2.2 相关技术 5

2.2.1 Java介绍 5

2.2.2 PHP介绍 5

2.2.3 Laravel介绍 5

2.2.4 JWT介绍 5

2.2.5 腾讯云点播介绍 6

第三章 需求分析与概要设计 7

3.1 需求分析 7

3.1.1 应用背景及存在的问题 7

3.1.2 可行性分析 7

3.1.3 功能需求分析 7

3.1.4 性能需求分析 8

3.2 概要设计 8

3.2.1 整体架构设计 8

3.2.2 功能结构与模块设计 9

3.2.3 用例图 9

3.2.4 数据库概要设计 10

3.2.5 数据结构逻辑设计(数据库详细设计) 10

3.2.6 系统Chen’s数据库表示法 12

第四章 详细设计与测试 13

4.1 详细设计概述 13

4.2 登录模块的实现与测试 13

第五章 总结与展望 16

5.1 论文总结 16

5.2 未来展望 16

参考文献 17






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