摘 要
试题库管理系统是在Windows 8.1上,使用tomcat作为后台服务器,网页部分使用JSP技术。系统主要包括以下几个模块:登录系统功能,为了本系统的使用安全起见,用户必须输入相应的用户名及密码方能访问本系统;修改密码功能,成功登录进入系统主界面后,用户可以修改原密码;科目管理功能,可以添加新科目,查看已存在的科目以及删除不需要的科目;题目管理功能,可以流入新题目,查看已存在的题目以及删除不需要的题目;试卷管理功能,查看已存在的试卷、删除不需要的试卷以及生成新的试卷,,还有重新组织试卷的功能,并以文档格式导出;安全退出功能,可以一键退出用户登录,跳转到用户登录页面。
试题库管理系统主要使用的是B/S三层结构,即浏览器/服务器,既有利于用户的使用,又对后期系统的维护以及升级提供了便利,存储数据则是使用SQL Server 2008来进行。
Question bank management system
At present, with the continuous development of The Times, information technology is also progressing, at the same time, people's needs are more difficult to meet, which has higher requirements for learning methods. Traditional learning methods have fallen behind, unable to meet people's needs for quick and convenient access to information, and the traditional artificial proposition mode cannot meet people's needs for testing learning results, which also consumes a lot of labor, time consuming and laborious. In addition, there is great uncertainty in the artificial proposition. Due to the different examiners, the quality of the test paper is not the same. At the same time, the artificial proposition is also prone to the situation of incomplete knowledge, which often makes the test result unsatisfactory. At the same time of social progress, autonomous learning is becoming more and more common. When we are learning, we may need a set of test papers to check our learning situation at any time. Therefore, we need a test question bank, which can input and manage knowledge points encountered in learning, and then generate test papers to test ourselves, thus the test question bank system emerges at the historic moment.
Test question bank management system is based on Windows 8.1, using Tomcat as background server tomcat as the background server, and JSP technology as the part of the web page. The system mainly includes the following modules: Login system functions, for the sake of the security of the system, the user must enter the corresponding user name and password to access the system; Modify password function, after successfully logging into the main interface of the system, users can modify the original password; Subject management function, can add new subjects, view existing subjects and delete unnecessary subjects; Title management function, can flow into new topics, view existing topics and delete unwanted topics; Test paper management function, view existing papers, delete unnecessary papers and generate new papers, as well as the function of reorganizing papers, and export in document format; Security exit function, you can exit the user login with one key, jump to the user login page.
The test question bank system adopts B/S architecture, namely browser/Server, which is not only conducive to the use of users, but also provides convenience for the maintenance and upgrade of the later system. The data storage is carried out by using SQL Server 2008 database.
Keywords:questions bank;JSP;B/S architecture;Tomcat
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2主要任务和课题意义 1
1.3研究现状 2
1.4论文组织结构 2
第二章 相关技术介绍 3
2.1 Tomcat 3
2.2 JSP 3
2.3 B/S体系结构 3
第三章 系统的分析与设计 4
3.1可行性分析 4
3.2系统架构设计 4
3.3系统的需求分析 5
3.4系统流程图 5
3.5系统的功能模块图 6
3.6数据库设计 7
3.7本章小结 9
第四章 系统的实现 10
4.1程序结构 10
4.2登录系统模块 10
4.3修改密码模块 10
4.4科目管理模块 11
4.4.1科目的添加 11
4.4.2科目的查询 11
4.4.3科目的删除 12
4.5题目管理模块 12
4.5.1题目的添加 12
4.5.2题目的查询 13
4.5.3题目的删除 13
4.6试卷管理模块 13
4.6.1试卷的生成 14
4.6.2试卷的预览 14
4.6.3试卷的导出 14
4.6.4试卷的删除 14
4.7安全退出模块 15
4.8本章小结 15
第五章 系统的测试 16
5.1概述 16
5.2用户登录界面 16
5.3系统主界面 17
5.2.1修改密码 18
5.2.2科目管理 18
5.2.3题目管理 19
5.2.4试卷管理 21
5.2.5安全退出 24
5.4本章小结 24
第六章 总结与展望 25
6.1总结 25
6.2展望 25
致谢 26
参考文献 27
第一章 绪论