
 2023-03-21 16:41:30


摘 要





The license plate based on MATLAB standard


With the continuous development of the times change and people"s living conditions and the environment have undergone enormous changes, and was followed by a vehicle normally used by people slowly into a car, per vehicle into every home families, and as such, to transport brought serious problems like traffic congestion as well as accidents, etc., intelligent transportation systems (ITS) generation can effectively solve traffic problems. And in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), a license plate recognition system plays an important role, license standardization and play an essential role in the process of license plate recognition. So the intelligent transportation systems (ITS) in practical applications has been very good development. License plate recognition system includes image acquisition, image preprocessing, license plate location, license plate standardization, character segmentation, character recognition six core parts. This article focuses on the introduction image preprocessing, license plate location, license plate standardization of three modules.

This graduation design is based on MATLAB image processing technology, and tested in the MATLAB software environment. First, treat the whole design process image pre-processing, and then locate the license plate location and segmentation plate position, and then tilt correction by estimating the tilt angle, and finally achieve standardization plate to complete the standardization of systems based on MATLAB license plate design. Technology key to this system is that the license plate image preprocessing, license plate and license plate tilt correction positioning selection and various aspects of the entire binding process.

Keywords: license plate recognition; image pre-processing; license plate location; plate standardization; MATLAB





第一章 绪论 1

1.1 本课题的研究背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究及应用现状 2

1.2.1 国外的研究情况 2

1.2.2 国内的研究情况 3

1.3 车牌标准化算法简介 3

1.4 车牌识别的难题 4

第二章 MATLAB简介 6

2.1 MATLAB的发展历史 6

2.2 MATLAB特点 7

2.2.1Matlab的语言特点 7

2.2.2Matlab的技术特点 7

第三章 各模块的实现 8

3.1 车辆图像的读取 8

3.2 图像预处理 9

3.2.1设置待处理图像 9

3.2.2车辆图像的灰度化 10

3.3 车牌定位 12

3.3.1车牌初定位 12

3.4 分割车牌图像预处理 17

3.4.1分割车牌图像灰度化 17

3.4.2车辆图像二值化 18

3.4.3车辆图像的边缘检测 19

3.5 车牌图像的倾斜校正 20

3.6 校正倾斜后车牌图像处理 22

第四章 实验结果和分析 26

第五章 结论 27

致谢语 28

参考文献 29

第一章 绪论

1.1 本课题的研究背景和意义


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