
 2023-03-22 10:50:01


摘 要


本系统是一个课堂管理App系统,主要完成软件整体设计以及各个模块的实现。当今,移动终端的即时通信领域的研究已经成为了4G业务的亮点。手机的不断普及和性能的不断提升,人们将即时通信系统的概念逐渐从计算机上移植到手机上。契合中国人口众多的特点,使用手机的人越来越多。由于手机操作系统过于封闭的特点,而各种通信类的软件采用的通讯协议不相符合,而Android系统是基于Linux的手机操作系统。本系统是在Windows操作系统的平台下实现完成的,使用的是Eclipse开发工具,并搭载着android SDK的环境,java语言为主要的开发实现语言,使用PhotoShop图片处理工具处理界面UI,使用这些工具来完成整个的系统功能。整个实现的过程严格遵循了软件工程的思想,保证了系统的使用价值[13]

关键词:课堂管理;APP;Android SDK

Design and implementation of classroom management App


With the advent of the era of 4 g, almost every industry is involved in moving the various functions, gradually move to the deep and widely used to promote the change of people"s living quality, people"s life has been inseparable from the mobile terminal.The topic is mainly to the university classroom management realizes the intelligent mobile terminal is introduced and further.The traditional school classroom management is managed in the form of a class named.Lack of support for the mobile end, the students" attendance not strict management.This system is developed based on the Android, so students directly using the Android mobile phone can be more convenient for class participation.

This system is a classroom management App system, mainly to complete the software overall design and the realization of each module.Today, research in the field of mobile terminals of instant messaging has become the highlight of 4 g.Expansion and improve the performance of mobile phones, people will be the concept of instant communication system gradually transplanted to a phone from the computer.Fit the characteristics of China"s large population, more and more people are using mobile phones.Because of the characteristic of the mobile phone operating system are too closed, and all kinds of communication software using the communication protocol of a class is not consistent, the Android system is based on Linux operating system, in the Windows operating system platform, carrying Android_4. 3.3 _SDK development environment, the JAVA language as the main development language, using the Eclipse on background coding, use Photoshop for UI interface beautification, is achieved. The function of the whole system.The whole implementation process strictly follow the idea of software engineering, and ensure the use value of the system.

Keywords:Classroom Management; Android Applications; Android SDK


摘要 I

第一章 引言 1

1.1课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2系统研究现状和研究内容 1

1.3论文的组织结构 2

第二章 相关技术及理论知识 3

2.1 Eclipse编译器 3

2.2 java语言 3

2.3数据库MySQL 3

2.4Tomcat服务器 4

2.5Android系统框架分析 5

2.6 android环境的搭建 6

2.7 Android工程的构建与分析 6

2.8Android与ios的对比 7

2.9本章小结 8

第三章系统需求分析 9

3.1总体需求 9

3.1.1功能需求 9

3.1.3性能需求 10

3.2基于UML的系统分析 10

3.2.1用例分析 10

3.2.2系统流程图分析 10

3.3本章小结 11

第四章 系统设计 12

4.1系统体系结构 12

4.1.1系统拓扑结构设计 12

4.1.2系统环境 12

4.2系统对象类设计 13

4.3功能逻辑设计 15

4.4系统顺序图 16

4.5界面设计 18

4.6数据库设计 20

4.7详细功能设计 22

4.7.1登录模块 22

4.7.2主界面模块 24

4.7.3班级学生管理模块 27

4.7.4课堂考勤管理模块 29

4.7.5随机提问模块 31

4.7.6教师管理模块 33

4.7.7作业管理模块 35

4.7.8服务器模块 38

4.8本章小结 39

第五章系统测试 40

5.1概述 40

5.2软件测试的方法 40

5.2.1动态测试 40

5.2.2静态测试 40

5.3软件测试的步骤 40

5.4用例设计与测试 40

5.5本章小结 41

第六章 结论 42

6.1总结 42

致谢 42

参考文献 43

第一章 引言



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