
 2023-03-25 18:03:01


摘 要



该网站使用当今主流的JSP技术进行网站的开发,同时本人也对SQL Server2008进行了系统的学习和应用,目的就是能够比较顺利地开发本网站。本网站主要使用可视化的图形设计工具对前台的页面显示进行设计,利用SQL Server2008完成对本网站的数据管理。本网站按照软件过程的思想,对网站的整个开发进行规范操作,主要分为四步,首先基于时代的背景决定本网站的开发需求即规划预期的网站要实现哪些功能,然后对该网站进行总体设计即主要完成系统模块以及数据库之间链接以及调用部分的设计,再者对网站进行详细设计,主要对网站的各个功能模块的额划分以及各个功能模块的界面显示和操作流程的细化,最后整合网站的所有功能进行功能测试。


The Design and realization of students" employment job site


Just before graduation, the students around looking for work have started to enter the boom, some squeezed into a noisy subway sub-half-hour on the bus, followed then spend a lot of time and effort to find a site where job fairs, luck good, you may encounter a few favorite work, bad luck, you arrived recruitment site, others have been dismantling the field.

As a result, some students began to use it in order to save time screening network resources, in this environment is an urgent need to meet a number of job sites job needs of students who, like "Zhilian Zhao pin, 51Job" large-scale recruitment, etc. website conform to social development will appear in our lives. However, the country is the lack of specific job sites, in order to force the highly competitive online recruitment can do unique effect, until an adequate market research, decided to "university student employment job site" for the development goals, tend to meet Some college graduates seeking jobs network needs.

The site is using today"s mainstream JSP technology development site, but also on the SQL Server2008 I was learning and application systems, the aim is to develop this site relatively smoothly. This site using a visual graphical design tools to the foreground page display design, the use of SQL Server2008 complete data management of the site. This site in accordance with the idea of software process, the entire development site to regulate the operation, is divided into four steps, first we decided to develop on the background of the times demand this site that is planning to achieve the desired website which features, and the site overall That is the main link and complete the design part of the design calls between system modules and databases addition to the detailed design of the site, the main interface is divided on the amount of each module site and the various functional modules display and operation of process refinement, and finally integrating all functionality of the site’s functional testing.

Keyword :Students" Employment Job; JSP technology; job search and recruit


摘要 I


目录 III

第一章 引言 1

1.1 开发背景 1

1.2 项目概述 1

1.3 项目意义 1

1.4 论文结构 2

第二章 相关技术简介 3

2.1 Java Server Page 3

2.2 Servlet 3

2.3 Java Bean 3

2.4 JDBC 4

2.5 MVC设计模式 4

2.6 SQL Server2008 5

第三章 大学生就业求职网系统分析 6

3.1 系统可行性分析 6

3.1.1 技术可行性 6

3.1.2 运行可行性 6

3.1.3 经济可行性 6

3.2 系统需求分析 6

3.2.1 功能需求 6

3.2.2 性能需求 7

3.2.3 系统业务 8

3.3数据分析 8

3.3.1 数据需求 8

3.3.2 数据流程 9

3.4开发所需环境 11

3.4.1 硬件环境 11

3.4.2 软件环境 11

第四章 大学生就业求职网系统设计 12

4.1 系统总体设计 12

4.2 系统模块设计 12

4.3 系统流程分析 13

4.4数据库设计 14

4.4.1 数据库需求分析 14

4.4.1 概念结构设计 14

4.4.3 逻辑结构设计 15

4.4.4 数据库的实现 18

第五章 大学生就业求职网详细设计与实现 19

5.1 网站权限的划分 19

5.2功能模块的设计和实现 19

5.2.1 会员登录模块 19

5.2.2 个人会员求职模块 20

5.2.3 企业会员招聘模块 25

5.2.4 系统信息管理模块 25

第六章 大学生就业求职网系统测试 29

6.1 测试方法 29

6.2 测试环境的搭建 29

6.3 测试流程 30

6.3.1 测试用例的设计 30

6.3.2 测试内容 31

6.4 测试报告 31

第七章 结束语 32

谢 辞 33

参考文献 34

第一章 引言

1.1 开发背景


1.2 项目概述


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