
 2023-03-25 18:03:09


摘 要


关键词: C#开发语言;.NET框架;Asp.NET;C/S三层架构

C # Teaching Resources Website Design and Implementation Abstract

With the Internet, we just need to sit at home, connected to the network, you can understand the various big and small issues. Look at the news, concerned about the care of state affairs, through the chat with faraway friends a chat, talk about old times, even worse, we can online shopping can do without leaving home. It is the network and then changing our way of life, it is also the network, it has become an indispensable part of our life"s. Advent of the Internet, creating a new cognitive style of human, a new style of life, and a new module of work. Through its network connectivity, sharing, and opening other characteristics, to change the traditional way of information exchange, to break the inherent limitations; and its unique way of disseminating information, humans are also adapt and use the network in this manner receive, disseminate information.It is because of the rapid development of information technology network, which makes the pace of civilization and progress of human society gradually accelerated.

The issue is the use of the existing network construction technology, combined with the mission statement the subject, starting from the user requirements, construction is conducive to academic exchange of teachers and students to facilitate teaching resource sharing platform for students to consolidate learning.

Keywords: C # development language; .NET framework; Asp.NET; C / S three-tier architecture

目 录

第一章、综 述 1

1.1、选题背景与意义 1

1.2、理论技术 1

1.2.1 C#语言简介 1

1.2.2 SQL Server 数据库 1

1.2.3 .NET框架 2

1.2.4运行环境 2

1.2.5关键技术分析 2

1.2.6系统体系结构 2

1.2.7接口需求 3

1.2.8其它要求 3

第二章、可行性分析 4

1、分析当前现状   4

2、技术可行性分析 4

3、社会可行性分析 4

第三章、需求分析 5

1.需求概述 5

2.用例图 5

3.活动图 6

第四章、系统设计 9

1.软件结构 9

2.数据库设计 9

3.类图 11

4.顺序图 12

第五章、网站界面以及代码实现 16

5.1、解决方案资源管理器下文件 16

5.2、网站首页设置及其代码实现 17

5.3、注册界面及其代码实现 19

5.4、登录页面及代码实现 20

5.5、管理员个人中心界面及代码实现 21

5.6、文件下载界面及代码实现 22

5.7、回复留言界面及代码实现 24

课题总结 26

致 谢 27

参考文献 28

第一章、综 述






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