摘 要
公务员考试是当今社会最热门的考试之一,通过本考试,考生可以获得相对稳定有保障的工作。同时,公务员考试也是当代大学生就业选择之一。为了方便学习和材料的整理,微软Visual Studio 2013和SQL Server被选择作为系统的开发工具,开发一款基于ASP.NET平台的公务员考试资料辅导系统。系统包括四大模块,分别是:用户信息模块、科目信息模块、章节信息模块和试题信息模块。此外,系统还具有查看报考条件和学科知识点、管理用户、管理试题等功能。最终实现了公务员考试资料辅导系统。对于用户来说,使用该系统可以更加方便、高效地准备公务员考试。关键词:SQL Server,Visual studio 2013,公务员考试,ASP.NET
Abstract:The civil service examination is one of the hottest examinations in society today. Through this examination, candidates can get relatively stable and secure jobs.Meanwhile, the civil service examination is also one of the employment choices of contemporary college students.In order to give convenience to studying and collecting materials. Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 and SQL Server are chosen as the development tools of the system , which is based on the ASP.Net Platform. The system consists of four major modules : user information module, subject information module, chapter information module and question information module. In addition, the system also has several functions such as viewing the conditions for examination and subject knowledge points, managing users, and managing test questions. and so on. Finally, makes a system for the service examination come true. It is more convenient and efficient for users to use this system to make preparations for the civil service examination.
Keywords: SQL Server , Visual studio 2013, civil service examination, ASP.NET
1 绪论 4
1.1 研究背景及意义 4
1.2 国内外研究现状 6
1.2.1 国外考试资料系统研究现状 6
1.2.2 国内考试资料系统研究现状 6
1.3 系统开发目的 7
2 可行性分析 7
2.1 开发工具及开发环境 7
2.1.1 ASP.NET 7
2.1.2 Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 7
2.1.3 SQL Server 7
2.1.4 开发语言C# 8
2.2 系统环境配置要求 8
3 需求分析 8
3.1 用户需求分析 8
3.2 系统需求分析 9
3.3 系统介绍 10
3.4 系统详细设计 11
3.5 系统操作流程 11
4 数据库设计 13
4.1 数据库概念结构设计 13
4.2 数据表设计 15
5 系统的详细设计 17
5.1 登录 17
5.2 试题管理 18
5.3 用户管理 20
5.4 章节管理 23
5.5 科目管理 25
6 系统测试 26
6.1 测试目标 26
6.2 测试原则 26
6.3 测试用例 26
参考文献 30
致 谢 31
1 绪论