
 2022-08-06 10:14:35


摘 要

随着企事业信息系统的快速发展,权限管理已成为信息系统中非常重要的模块,特别是对于包含了大量敏感和隐私的医院信息系统。SAP Patient Accounting医疗结算系统旨在解决医院信息系统与保险公司之间的复杂的理赔流程,方便患者结算账单。本论文将围绕Patient Accounting医疗结算系统,展开对授权管理的理论研究和对该系统的权限设计,建立一个功能强大的访问控制机制。

目前访问控制技术得到了国内外广泛的研究。本论文先对基于角色的访问控制作了详细的阐述,以SAP资源库的基础技术平台为背景,探索了在实际应用环境下,授权管理和访问控制的相关理论、方法以及基本流程。通过对目前SAP Patient Accounting医疗结算系统的权限管理的需求进行分析,设计并开发系统的权限管理框架。


  1. 了解国内外的访问控制的类型,详细探讨了基于角色的访问控制的发展及其应用过程。
  2. 研究学习在SAP开发环境下使用的授权模型及访问控制模型。
  3. 对SAP Patient Accounting医疗结算系统和数据模型进行了简要介绍,并对授权管理进行了详细的需求分析,确定开发工作。
  4. 在 SAP开发环境下,创建授权对象,使用ABAP编程语言进行授权检查,配置访问控制模型的框架。


关键词: SAP系统,权限管理, 访问控制, RBAC 模型


With the rapid development of the enterprise information system, the authorization management has become a very important module in the information system, especially for hospital information systems that contain a lot of sensitive and private data. SAP Patient Accounting system aims to solve the complicated claims process between hospital information systems and insurance companies and makes it convenient for patients to pay the bill. This topic will revolve around Patient Accounting system, carry out the theoretical research of authorization management and the authorization design of the system, and establish a powerful access control mechanism.

At present, the access control technology has been widely studied at home and abroad. In this paper, role-based access control theory is first elaborated. And based on the basic technology platform of SAP repository, this paper explores the related theories, methods and basic processes of authorization management and access control in the practical application environment. By analyzing of the requirements for the authorization management of SAP Patient Accounting system, the authorization management framework of the system is designed and developed.

The main contents of this thesis are as follows:

  1. Understand the type of the access control technology at home and abroad and discuss the development and application process of role-based access control theory in detail.
  2. Study the authorization model and the access control model used in SAP development environment.
  3. Introduce SAP Patient Accounting system and the data model and analyze the authorization management to determine the development work.
  4. Create authorization objects and use ABAP programming language for authorization checking in the SAP development environment and configure the access control model framework.

This design can assist the hospital information system management personnel to complete role-based security access control. Through the experimental analysis of the system, the validity and correctness of the proposed method and the permission management design scheme are verified.

KEY WORDS: access control, authorization management, SAP system, RBAC Model

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 国内 1

1.2.2 国外 2

1.3 研究目标及内容 2

第二章 理论基础研究 4

2.1 访问控制 4

2.2 基于角色的访问控制RBAC(Role-Based Access Control)模型 4

2.2.1 RBAC96模型 4

2.2.2 ARBAC97模型 5

2.2.3 RBAC标准 6

2.3 SAP ABAP授权模型 6

2.3.1 授权对象 Authorization Object 7

2.3.2 授权检查分类 7

2.3.3 默认授权模块:SU22事务代码 8

2.3.4 PFCG角色 8

2.3.5 传统授权步骤 8

2.4 SAP IAM相关实体及关系模型 9

2.4.1 业务角色 Business Role 10

2.4.2 业务目录 Business Catalog 10

2.4.3 限制类型 Restriction Type 10

2.4.4 限制字段 Restriction Field 11

第三章 授权管理需求分析 12

3.1 PA系统简介 12

3.2 PA系统的权限实例 13

3.3 本地部署的授权需求分析 16

3.3.1 业务对象 17

3.3.2 过程 18

3.3.3 通信 18

3.4 Cloud授权需求分析 18

第四章 模型技术应用 20

4.1 技术应用概述 20

4.2 本地部署的授权管理的实现 20

4.2.1 创建授权对象 20

4.2.2 插入权限检查 21

4.3 Cloud访问控制的实现 21

4.3.1 SU22设置Web服务 21

4.3.2 实现授权对象扩展 21

4.3.3 设置限制字段 22

4.3.4 设置限制类型 22

4.3.5 创建业务目录 22

第五章 系统测试 23

5.1 测试用例 23

结论与展望 25

致谢 26

参考文献 27

附录 28


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