摘 要
标签管理系统需要实现的功能有以下四点:1.构造对象;2.构造关系;3.为对象和关系配置属性与标签;4.管理数据源。使用react技术来搭建标签管理系统的前端页面,页面中使用的可视化组件来自于antd(ant design),页面间的跳转采用react的路由库react-router方式,客户端和服务器的交互方式采用Ajax 和 RESTful Web 服务,系统采用基于token的身份验证方式保证系统的安全性。
关键词:标签,react,ant design,react-router,ajax
In recent years, Internet advertising in China develops rapidly. The Internet advertising industry will leap forward when “put the most attractive ads in front of the most demanding people” is possible.
The topic of this graduation project is the design and implementation of the tag management system based React, this system aims to create and manage tag which is analyzable. These tags represent the attributes of the object, based on these tags, amounts of and complex objects can be divided into a number of relatively small and highly concentrated groups, so as to reduce the difficulty of analysis and improve the precision.
The tag management system needs to realize four functions:1.construct object;2.construct relationship;3.configure properties and tags for object and relationship;4.manage data sources. The React technology is used to build the front of this system, the visual components are from antd(ant design), jump between pages is realized by using the react-router of React, client and server interact in the way of Ajax and RESTful Web services, token based authentication is used to ensure the security of the system.
After the graduation project finished, the system must realize the four basic functions above and the security of the system has further improvement that automatically set up when user makes no action in half an hour. The stability of the system and the flow of pages are high, the layout of pages needs to be reasonable.
KEY WORDS: tags, react, ant design, react-router, ajax
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 选题背景 1
1.1 社会背景 1
1.2 技术背景 1
第二章 需求分析 3
2.1 登陆设置 4
2.2 对象、关系设置 4
2.3 标签设置 4
2.4 数据源设置 5
第三章 系统总体设计 7
3.1 前端框架 7
3.2 UI框架 7
3.3 获取数据的方式 8
第四章 系统详细设计与实现 11
4.1 模块设计 11
4.2 开发环境搭建 12
4.3 代码编写 12
4.3.1 主页面 13
4.3.2 关系管理与对象管理页面 14
4.3.3 标签管理页面 23
4.3.4 数据源管理页面 25
4.3.5 公共组件 31
4.3.6 fetch 34
4.3.7 token 35
第五章 原型系统及测试 38
5.1 前端页面 38
5.2 系统测试 42
第六章 结论 55
6.1 待优化部分 55
6.2 系统前景 55
致谢 57
参考文献 58