
 2022-08-06 10:16:08


摘 要








With the rapid development of the computer Internet, the number and scale of various types of network applications and network services are continuously expanding, and network data traffic is also increasing rapidly, which makes data centers and backbone networks handle various types of network traffic. However, at present, the network structure of the Internet tends to adopt a single mode of management of network resources. It is difficult to adapt to the differentiated service quality requirements of different types of network flows, and the dynamics of the demand and the environment are insufficiently adapted. To solve this problem, in the software-defined network environment, this paper predicts the type of traffic and allocates appropriate network resources for traffic with different quality of service requirements to improve the overall performance of the network and the service quality of a single service flow, and according to the needs of different services. And the current network environment status, to achieve dynamic routing decisions and the configuration of network resources.

Specifically, this article mainly includes the following work content.

Firstly, a service quality-aware traffic classification framework is proposed in the SDN network based on machine learning. This framework uses Tri-Training-Plus, an improved algorithm of Tri-Training algorithm, to quickly identify the service quality of service flows entering the SDN network. Types of. In addition, the framework incorporates DPI technology to update training datasets, allowing incremental update of classifiers.

In addition, this paper further designs a network resource allocation framework based on traffic quality-aware traffic classification method in SDN. The framework implements functions such as sensing traffic, traffic classification, routing decisions, and real-time network monitoring.

The paper carries out a simulation test on the traffic type identification algorithm based on public data sets, and builds a network resource allocation framework on a simulation platform such as Mininet. The results show that the traffic type recognition algorithm has better recognition accuracy, and the resource allocation framework designed based on the recognition algorithm can effectively improve the overall efficiency of the network.

Keywords: service quality, traffic classification, machine learning, classification algorithm.


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 论文研究的背景与研究目的 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究目的 2

1.2 本文主要工作 2

1.3 论文章节安排 2

第二章 网络流量分类技术研究现状 3

2.1 网络流量类型预测技术分类 3

2.2 基于端口的流量分类 4

2.3 基于载荷的流量分类 4

2.4 基于主机行为的流量分类 4

2. 基于机器学习的流量分类 5

2.5.1 基于有监督的流量分类 5

2.5.2 基于无监督的流量分类 7

2.5.3 基于半监督的流量分类 8

2.6 本章小结 8

第三章 QoS感知的网络流量分类 9

3.1 现有流量分类方法的不足 9

3.2 QoS感知的流量分类 9

3.2.1 QoS感知的流量分类框架 9

3.2.2 特征空间 10

3.2.3 改进的Tri-Training算法 11

3.2.4 分类器更新 15

3.3 实验验证 15

3.3.1 数据集 16

3.3.2 评价指标 17

3.3.3 实验结果及分析 18

3.4 本章小结 21

第四章 基于QoS感知的SDN网络资源分配框架 22

4.1 QoS感知路由算法 22

4.2 资源分配框架的总体架构 23

4.3 框架实现的模拟环境 24

第五章 总结和展望 25

5.1 总结 25

5.2 展望 25

致 谢 26

参考文献 27

第一章 绪论


1.1 论文研究的背景与研究目的





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