
 2022-08-06 10:16:20


摘 要






Today's Internet products and operational ideas are increasingly biased towards refinement. User portrait technology is one of the common methods used by today's enterprises for refined marketing. Through user portrait the user characteristics of the product can be visually summarized. The product personnel can refer to these characteristics of the user and plan the iterative direction of the product. The operator can also accurately market through the user portrait technology. Xinchen Huang describes his implementation of user portraits and the erection of the portrait system during his tenure at the Tencent Headquarters Payment Product Center in Shenzhen.

In this paper, from the four perspectives of big data storage, data cleaning, portrait modeling, and portrait system construction, the QQ wallet user data was analyzed and the portrait system was built. In our project, 50 million user data is read from QQ Wallet and uses a non-relational database to store the data. In the Python environment, the user's data is analyzed with a portrait of the user's population including gender and age. The clustering algorithm is used to classify the user's active situation; through the association analysis, the relationship between the user's various behaviors is portrayed. In addition, this paper also set up a system for user portrait analysis, which supports importing the user data required for analysis, making it easy for product personnel and operators to analyze commonly used user portraits.

The image results obtained in this article have been used in the analysis and decision-making of Tencent's payment product center. The portrait system is currently in the department's internal measurement stage.

KEY WORDS:User portrait,Big Data,System setup

目 录

摘 要 III

Abstract I

第一章 绪论 4

1.1 技术发展背景及选题意义 4

1.2 国内外研究现状 6

1.3 论文组织架构 7

第二章 问题定义与分析 8

2.1 用户画像的使用场景 8

2.2 数据统计及处理 8

2.3 画像的目标 10

2.4 系统设计背景及应用场景 11

第三章 画像相关数据处理 12

3.1 数据收集与存储 12

3.1.1 数据收集 12

3.1.3 数据读取 13

3.2 数据清洗 14

3.2.1 处理缺失值 14

3.2.2 处理错误数据格式 15

3.2.3 虚假信息的处理 15

第四章 用户画像的设计与实现 16

4.1 设计思路 16

4.1.1 实现方法概要 16

4.1.2 标签的定义及数据表示 17

4.2 标签的介绍及实现方法 18

4.2.1 单个有序多值属性的处理 18

4.2.2 标签的介绍及实现方法 19

4.3 用户群体的聚类 21

4.3.1 背景及目的 21

4.3.2 算法介绍 21

4.3.3 伪代码 22

4.4 用户行为数据的关联挖掘 25

4.4.1 背景及目的 25

4.4.3 算法优化 28

4.4.4 分析结果 28

第五章 用户画像系统的设计与实现 30

5.1 系统架构 30

5.2 系统的交互设计 33

5.3 系统的实现 35

5.4 系统呈现 36

5.5 系统测试 39

第六章 总结与展望 43

致 谢 44

参考文献 45

第一章 绪论


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