摘 要
With the gradual increase of social pressure, the incidence of depression gradually increased, and there is a trend towards younger age who suffer from depression. If depression cannot be diagnosed correctly in time, it will bring a large number of social problems and impede social development. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of depression has been listed as the key point of the national mental health work. It is a realistic and urgent problem to diagnose depression accurately and efficiently.
In this paper, we hope to explore the feasibility and effectiveness of machine learning technology and the construction of brain network with fMRI in the diagnosis of depression. The experiment shows that the functional brain network (fMRI) which is classified by the support vector machine (SVM), can effectively diagnose the depressive patients. Among them, depression can be divided into responsive depression and non-responsive depression.
In this paper, we use the depression data provided by Zhongda Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University. We extract the fMRI image as the training data, and use the support vector machine as the classification method, and get the classification model by training. In the process of experiment, we compare the accuracy of different feature extraction schemes and different parameters, and select the best feature extraction scheme and parameters to build the classification model. The final classification model was used to classify the unknown samples. The accuracy of classification for healthy people and depressive patients was 71.97%. The accuracy of classification for healthy people, responsive depression and non-responsive depression was 49.24%. The experiment shows that the functional brain network, which is extracted from the fMRI image as the input data, is classified by the SVM algorithm and can be used to diagnose the depressive patients more accurately.
KEY WORDS: SVM, classification, depression, fMRI
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 2
1.1 研究背景和意义 2
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 论文结构组织 3
第二章 支持向量机基础介绍 4
2.1 几何间隔和函数间隔 4
2.2 线性可分离 SVM 分类器 4
2.3 线性不可分离 SVM 分类器——软间隔 7
2.4 非线性且不可分离 SVM 分类器——核函数 8
2.5 一对一支持向量机 (one-against-one SVM , OAOSVM) 9
2.6 过拟合与欠拟合 10
2.6.1 欠拟合 10
2.6.2 过拟合 10
第三章 基于功能脑网络的抑郁症分类 12
3.1 医学成像方式 12
3.2 功能脑网络 12
3.2.1 大脑图谱 13
3.2.2 皮尔森相关系数 13
3.3 实验方法 14
3.3.1 数据处理 15
3.3.2 分类方法 19
第四章 实验结果与分析 20
4.1 数据来源 20
4.2 图像预处理 20
4.3 使用k折交叉验证检测模型效果 21
4.4 参数设置 21
4.4.1 不同核函数下不同参数对分类的影响 21
4.4.2 不同altas和特征值对分类的影响 28
第五章 总结与展望 31
5.1 总结 31
5.2 展望 31
致谢 33
参考文献 34
随着社会竞争的日益激烈,抑郁症的发病率显著增加且呈逐年增长的趋势,相关资料显示,现阶段中国的抑郁症患者人数已超过世界平均,达到6.9%,远超过全球抑郁症发病率,并且出现低龄化趋势,广泛存在于大学生甚至中小学生群体中,这将会带来大量的社会问题[1]。根据全球疾病负担(GBD)研究显示, 以伤残损失健康生命年(years lived with disability, YLD)作为疾病负担指标,精神/神经疾病占所有疾病负担的第一位, 而其中抑郁症占据精神/神经疾病的首位[2]。我国抑郁症的医疗防治工作还处在初级阶段,目前存在识别率低,治疗率低等问题,据统计,地级市以上的医院对其识别率不足20%,接受相关的药物治疗的患者不足10%。目前,全国精神卫生工作对抑郁症防治愈发重视,如何及时并正确地诊断抑郁症成为研究重点。
近年来, 静息态功能磁共振成像(resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging,rsfMRI)已被广泛用于说明与抑郁症(Major Depressive Disorder ,MDD)相关的功能脑网络改变[3]。