
 2022-08-08 09:33:18


摘 要






Kernel method is a highly effective technique in machine learning and a core way to improve the ability of learner to solve the nonlinear learning problems. Due to the limitation of traditional statistical learning theory, most of kernel methods require the corresponding kernel matrix to be symmetric and positive semi-definite. Nevertheless, in many practical applications, indefinite kernels ordinarily get better performance. Consequently, indefinite kernel support vector machine (IKSVM) has recently attracted increasing attentions in machine learning.

Different from traditional support vector machines, indefinite kernel support vector machine essentially is a non-convex optimization problem. The state-of-the-art related algorithms generally fall into two categories: directly change the spectrum of the indefinite kernel matrix; aim to solve the dual form of indefinite kernel support vector machine. However, these strategies change the indefinite kernel more or less, which most probably lead to the loss of some important information related to the kernel, and then affect the algorithm performance.

The proposed novel algorithm termed as IKSVM-DC directly focus on the non-convex primal form of indefinite kernel support vector machine. According to the properties of the spectrum for the indefinite kernel matrix, the proposed algorithm decomposes the non-convex objective function into the subtraction of two convex functions and thus reformulates the primal problem as a difference of convex functions programming (DCP) which can be optimized by the difference of convex functions algorithm (DCA). For the sake of higher convergence rate of algorithm, IKSVM-DC further combines the difference of convex functions algorithm with an Armijo line search step at each iteration. We will present a theoretical analysis to validate that our method can converge to a local minimum. Systematical experiments on massive international standard datasets demonstrate the superiority of IKSVM-DC compared to the state-of-the-art related algorithms.

KEY WORDS: Indefinite kernel support vector machine, Difference of convex functions programming, Kernel method, Non-convex primal problem

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1 不定核支持向量机 1

1.1.2 凸差规划 2

1.2 研究现状及局限性 3

1.2.1 谱变换 3

1.2.2 对偶问题 4

1.3 研究动机及目标 4

第二章 支持向量机 6

2.1 支持向量机模型 6

2.1.1 最大间隔分类器 6

2.1.2 软间隔支持向量机 8

2.1.3 核方法 8

2.2 从主问题求解支持向量机 9

2.2.1 表示定理 9

2.2.2 求解主问题 9

2.3 从对偶问题求解支持向量机 10

2.3.1 拉格朗日乘子法和对偶理论 10

2.3.2 求解对偶问题 11

2.4 对偶间隔 13

第三章 基于凸差规划的不定核支持向量机 16

3.1 不定核支持向量机主问题 16

3.1.1 再生核Kreǐn空间与推广表示定理 16

3.1.2 再生核Kreǐn空间中的不定核主问题 17

3.2 基于凸差规划的不定核支持向量机 18

3.2.1 凸差规划 18

3.2.2 不定核主问题转化为凸差规划问题 18

第四章 理论分析 22

4.1 迭代过程可减小目标函数值 22

4.2 解序列包含目标函数梯度信息 23

4.3 算法收敛至局部最优解 23

第五章 实验验证 25

5.1 实验方案 25

5.2 实验结果 26

第六章 总结与展望 30

6.1 总结 30

6.2 展望 30

致 谢 32

参考文献 33






支持向量机(Support Vector Machine, SVM)是机器学习领域中举足轻重的监督学习模型。它在解决高维模式识别问题中有许多独到的优势,并且非常适合于解决小样本问题,在诸多应用领域中都已经大放异彩。支持向量机模型建立在VC维理论以及结构风险最小化原理的基础之上。它可以利用较少的样本信息,就能在模型复杂度和学习能力之间寻求最佳折中,从而获得较优的拟合和泛化能力。


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