摘 要
关键字: 数据挖掘;决策树;C4.5算法;抗菌药物;耐药性
Application Research of Data Mining Technology in Antibiotic Resistance Prediction
The issue of antimicrobial resistance has become the focus of global health problems and one of the most pressing public health problems facing the world today. Due to the growing problem of antibiotic resistance, people around the world will be at risk of lacking antibiotics that can be used. There are many hazards of bacterial resistance. First, it not only increases the risk of infection of other diseases, but also exacerbates clinical symptoms and prolongs hospital stay. Compared with sensitive bacteria, resistant bacteria not only increase the infection rate and morbidity, but more terrible is that it greatly increases the mortality rate. At present, the bacterial resistance detection method mostly adopts the traditional bacterial culture technique, which has a long cycle and consumes a large amount of manpower and material resources. To this end, it is proposed to establish a rational drug evaluation platform for antimicrobial drugs based on bacterial drug resistance big data to accurately predict the expected drug resistance rate of bacteria. Based on the changes in the drug resistance rate of common pathogens from 2014 to 2018, the basic information of the patients, the classification of the departments, the classification of the pathogens, the classification of the source of the specimens, the types of antimicrobial agents, the doses used, the resistance rates and trends, and the prognosis of patients And other information.
In this paper, using the decision tree algorithm in data mining technology, by establishing a mixed prediction model of different bacteria on the types of antibacterial drugs, specimen sources, department distribution and other characteristics, we can extract the influencing factors related to antimicrobial resistance and automatically generate drug resistance. The information base, and establish an intelligent, convenient and individualized evaluation platform for bacterial resistance, and then provide decision support for the clinical through antibiotic resistance prediction and drug use risk assessment.
Keywords: data mining;decision tree;C4.5 algorithm;antibacterial drugs;drug resistance
目 录
摘要 I
abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外现状研究 1
1.2.1 数据挖掘研究现状 1
1.2.2 抗菌药物耐药性现状 1
1.3 课题来源和主要研究内容 2
1.4 本文组织结构 2
第二章 数据挖掘 3
2.1 数据挖掘的概念 3
2.2 基本流程 3
2.3 数据挖掘的功能 4
2.3.1 聚类分析 4
2.3.2 关联分析 4
2.3.3 分类分析 4
2.3.4 方法总结 5
2.4 几种常见的分类分析算法 5
2.4.1 贝叶斯算法 5
2.4.2 神经网络 6
2.4.4 决策树算法 6
2.5 本章小结 6
第三章 决策树算法 7
3.1 基本概念 7
3.2 构建过程 7
3.3 常见的决策树算法 7
3.3.1 ID3算法 8
3.3.2 C4.5算法 8
3.3.3 CART算法 8
3.4 常见的决策树算法比较 9
3.5 本章小结 9
第四章 C4.5算法在抗菌药物耐药性检测中的应用 10
4.1 问题来源 10
4.2 数据分析与预处理 10
4.2.1 确定挖掘对象和目标 10
4.2.2 算法的选定 10
4.2.3 数据的预处理 10
4.3 C4.5算法建立决策树 12
4.3.1 相关概念 12
4.3.2 C4.5算法具体流程 13
4.3.3 C4.5算法具体实现 13
4.3.4 构建决策森林 15
4.4 实验结果分析 17
4.5 本章小结 17
第五章 耐药性检测系统设计与实现 18
5.1 系统结构设计 18
5.2 系统数据库设计 18
5.2.1 数据库概要设计 18
5.2.2 数据库详细设计 18
5.3 详细设计 19
5.3.1 系统登录 19
5.3.2 病人基础信息管理 24
5.3.3 耐药性检测 30
5.4 本章小结 32
致谢 33
参考文献 34
第一章 绪论
1.1 研究背景及意义