
 2022-01-17 23:27:18


目 录

1 绪论 1

1.1开发背景 1

1.2开发意义 1

1.3研究内容 1

1.4论文结构 1

1.5本章小结 2

2 系统开发技术的介绍 2

2.1本系统用到的四个开发工具的简介: 2

2.2MYSQL数据库概念和特点 3

2.3本章小结 3

3 系统分析 3

3.1功能需求分析 3

3.2业务流程分析 4

3.3数据流程分析 5

3.4本章小结 7

4系统设计 7

4.1系统设计思想 7

4.2系统总体设计 7

4.3系统功能模块设计 8

4.4数据库设计 9

4.4.1概念模型设计 9

4.4.2数据库表设计 10

4.4.3数据库连接计 12

4.5本章小结 12

5 系统的实现 12

5.1实现环境说明 12

5.2前台页面的实现 13

5.3登录模块的实现 13

5.4居民信息管理模块的实现 14

5.5小区人员管理模块的实现 16

5.6操作记录管理模块的实现 17

5.7统计管理模块的实现 18

5.9 分页算法的实现 19

5.10本章小结 20

6 系统测试 20

6.1测试目的 20

6.2界面测试 20

6.3功能测试 20

6.4测试结果 22

7 总结 22

参考文献 23

致 谢 24



, China

Abstract:In interconnected things, Internet penetration is higher and higher, if the village entrance guard management combined with the Internet, the use of Java technology development district of entrance guard control system, let the village entrance guard management implementation of the network, and community management, protect the security of the residents..

Entrance guard and safety integrated management system in residential area, through the network can get extensive, effective and comprehensive promotion, make more and more residential area, residential area, entrance guard security managers to fully understand and master the latest product of access control and safety integrated management system in residential area, the main characteristic of all kinds of finished products, including the service entrance guard and safety integrated management system in residential area, etc., not only the supply security service for the customer, at the same time also promote their products, making more and more customers a comprehensive understanding of yourself. For residential area, if has its own excellent entrance guard and safety integrated management system in residential area, through the entrance guard and safety integrated management system in residential area can make the community propaganda promotion, marketing and so on comprehensively promotes a step, at the same time, also greatly enhance the external image of residential area.

According to the analysis of the current situation and development progress of the system, application system from the need of research and analysis, database system design, system design, data structure has been to the final application system, is all done the front-end and back-end. In this thesis, the author from the system description expression, system analysis, system design, system functions, system debugging, etc, in order to discuss the development process of application system. The planning target positioning application system design, according to the current situation and future development progress trend to develop a kind of can perform research and development design, after repeated research and cognitive study, deeply analysis rely on Java program compiled language, JSP technology and MYSQL database data and the tomcat server, to achieve the system each performance, finally launches the system debugging, access and problems of monitoring system, make more improve application system, so as to achieve using standard.

Key words: Community access control system; Java programming language; MYSQL database

1 绪论


二十一世纪,早已步入了互联网信息化迅速发展进步的历史时代,服务网络的全面普及为人们创造了很多方便。将互联网与传统行业模式相结合的“互联网 ”也积极的应用到一些酒店,综合社、组团社,使小区也由以前传统的模式转移到互联网上来,这时候小区成立属于自己的系统就是大势所趋。那么,投资建设发展居民小区门禁安全综合管理系统的影响与意义有什么呢?














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