
 2022-01-17 23:28:33


目 录

1 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 本文主要工作 1

1.3主要相关技术 2

1.3.1 Spring 2

1.3.2 SpringMVC 2

1.3.3 MyBatis 3

1.3.4 jQuery 3

2 系统分析 3

2.1 系统分析 3

2.1.1 系统需求分析 3

2.1.2 性能分析 4

2.2 技术可行性分析 5

2.2.1 系统数据模型层分析与设计 5

2.2.2 系统视图层分析与设计 6

2.2.3 系统控制层的分析与设计 6

2.2.4 系统适应性 6

3 系统总体设计 6

3.1 概要设计 6

3.1.1 目的 6

3.1.2停车场管理系统总目标 6

3.1.3数据流程 7

3.2 总体设计 8

3.2.1 系统设计分析 8

3.2.2 总体流程 9

3.2.3 系统管理员处理流程 9

3.2.4 停车场管理员处理流程 10

3.2.5 操作员处理流程 10

3.2.6 用户处理流程 11

3.3 数据结构设计 11

3.3.1 MySQL数据库简介 11

3.3.2 数据库关系设计 12

3.3.3 数据库逻辑设计 13

3.3.4 数据库物理结构设计 16

4 系统详细设计与实现 16

4.1 登录模块 16

4.1.1 功能说明 16

4.1.2 登录界面 17

4.2 超级管理员模块 17

4.2.1 功能说明 17

4.2.2 子模块展示 18

4.3 停车场管理员模块 21

4.3.1 功能说明 21

4.3.2 子模块展示 21

4.4 操作员模块 23

4.4.1 功能说明 23

4.4.2 子模块展示 24

4.5 用户模块 25

4.5.1 功能说明 25

4.5.2 子模块展示 26

4.6 个人信息设置模块 27

4.6.1 网页端个人信息修改 27

4.6.2 APP个人信息修改 28

5 系统测试 29

5.1 测试概况及测试用例 29

5.1.1 停车场申请信息添加及停车场管理员信息生成 29

5.1.2 测试结果分析 30

5.2 系统维护 30

5.2.1 系统维护目的 30

5.2.2 系统维护内容 30

5.2.3 系统维护管理 30

5.2.4 系统评价 31

参考文献: 31

致谢 32



, China

Abstract: With the rapid development of social economy, the people's economic standard and living standard have been improved rapidly under the modern social environment., and the social problems from various aspects are getting more and more attention and need to be solved urgently. Among them, the problem of parking difficulty is particularly important, which is related to people's daily life, which means the management of parking space is imminent. Therefore, for a good trip environment, it is necessary to manage the parking lot efficiently, orderly and transparently, and combine some parking mode and current situation to send out the management system of this parking lot.

The intelligent parking management system is a typical information management system in the current management system. The main functions of the intelligent parking management system design include the administrator to check the parking field application, the administrator's total data management, the user management; the parking field data management, system management, parameter setting, operator setting management; Vehicle management, such as admission management, charging transaction information management, user application query, etc. From the system management to the user from design to function realization, the complete system development process is expounded.

The system related management and parking related management adopt B/S architecture, take Tomcat8.0.50 as the running server, the front end is based on JSP, bootstrap, jQuery and other technologies, using the mainstream framework of Spring, SpringMVC, MyBatis as the background development tool, using MyEclipse development environment, using MySQL database to complete the whole management layer. The development process of the system, the development process of the use of the conventional MVC development model, clear level, clear logic, good service performance and scalability, more perfect implementation of the system. At the same time, for the user, the mobile APP is developed for its use. It can easily query the nearby parking lot, complete the parking reservation, online payment and other functions simply and quickly, and give the user a good use experience. The test results show that the system is in line with the actual intelligent parking management system and provides a simple, convenient, fast and standardized platform for the parking field. It is of great significance to improve the information level, reduce the problem of parking difficulty and reduce the cost of human resources.

Key words: Intelligent Parking Management System; J2EE; SSM; jQuery; MySQL

1 绪论

1.1 选题背景



1.2 本文主要工作




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