
 2022-01-17 23:28:51


目 录

1 概述 1

1.1 课题研究的目的 1

1.2 课题研究的意义 1

1.3 国内外发展趋势 1

1.4 课题的可行性分析 2

1.4.1 课题调研 2

1.4.2 可行性分析 2

1.5 本章小结 3

2 系统需求分析 3

2.1 结构化分析 5

2.2 功能需求描述 8

2.3 非功能需求描述 8

2.4 本章小结 9

3 关键技术介绍 9

3.1 JSP技术 9

3.2 My SQL概述 9

3.3 JavaBean概述 9

3.4 Java语言 10

3.5 系统开发模式 10

3.6 SSH简介 10

3.6.1 Struts 10

3.6.2 Spring 10

3.6.3 Hibernate 10

3.7 本章小结 11

4 总体设计 11

4.1 系统总体结构设计 11

4.2 模块功能设计 11

4.3 概念设计(E-R图) 12

4.4 逻辑结构 13

4.5 本章小结 16

5 功能实现 16

5.1 后台登录模块功能实现 16

5.2 管理员用户功能实现 20

5.2.1 个人资料 20

5.2.2 班级管理 21

5.2.3 用户管理 24

5.2.4 设备管理 29

5.2.5 实验室管理 31

5.2.6 分配管理 34

5.2.7 留言管理 37

5.2.8 公告管理 39

5.2.9 成绩管理 41

5.2.10 资料管理 42

5.2.11 预约管理 45

5.3 教师用户功能实现 46

5.4 学生用户功能实现 47

5.5 本章小结 47

6 系统测试 48

6.1 测试方法 48

6.2 测试用例 48

6.3 本章小结 49

7 总结 49

参考文献 50

致谢 51




Abstract: With the development of science and technology and the progress of society, people are paying more and more attention to the standard of living and the level of education. What comes after that is the problems brought about by development. At school, we pay more attention to practice. Therefore, the management of laboratory information is an issue that we are eager to solve. Through the research on the existing laboratory management system and the observation of the development of the form, we design and develop a Internet and B/S mode remote chemical experiment guidance system.

The development of this system is based on the Java language. The purpose of the remote chemical experiment guidance system is to facilitate the management of laboratory related information, so that the information among the administrators, teachers and students can be better exchanged. Therefore, this system supports entering the remote chemical experiment guidance system as multiple users. At the same time, the main functions of the system are as follows: personal data, class management, user management, equipment management, performance management, laboratory management,data management and other functions.

This system adopts B/S mode to carry on the development, the page design layout uses Java Server Pages technology, and uses Hibernate Spring Struts, the backstage database uses the MySQL database.

Keywords: Java Server Pages; B/S structure; JavaBean; laboratory management


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