目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景 1
1.2 课题设计意义 1
2 当前问题及其分析 2
2.1当前面对的问题 2
2.2系统优缺点分析 2
2.2.1 优点 2
2.2.2 缺点 3
2.3 本课题要达到的设计目标 3
3 关键技术介绍 4
3.1 JSP技术 4
3.2 SSH框架 5
3.3 MySQL数据库 5
3.4 Apache Web服务器 6
4 需求分析 7
4.1系统用例图 7
4.2 系统主要流程分析 9
4.3 功能需求 9
4.4 开发环境 10
5 系统详细设计 10
5.1 系统架构 10
5.2 系统结构 10
5.3 数据库设计 11
6 模块实现以及黑盒测试 14
6.1主要模块实现 14
6.1.1登录页面 14
6.1.2 修改密码页面 16
6.1.3 医院介绍编辑修改页面 16
6.1.4 科室列表添加编辑页面 17
6.1.5 专家身份资料编辑页面 19
6.1.6 会员身份资料管理页面 21
6.1.7 留言信息回复页面 22
6.1.8 会员注册页面 23
6.1.9 会员留言板页面 24
6.1.10 会员个人信息编辑页面 25
6.1.11 医院介绍详情页面 26
6.1.12 选择专家挂号页面 26
6.1.13 查看挂号信息页面 30
6.1.14 回复挂号信息页面 31
6.2测试作用与方案选择 32
6.3 测试的具体环境 32
6.4测试结果表格 33
7 结论与展望 33
参考文献: 33
致谢 35
Abstract:Online hospital registration system is a helper system that can solve patients' queuing and registered appointments online. It can effectively reduce the miscellaneous appointment work in various hospitals, save time and cost, improve the efficiency of medical care, reduce the pressure of the staff and improve the patient's satisfaction.
This system is the online hospital registration system, which is based on the Myeclipse development platform, uses the system architecture as B/S, MySQL database as the back end database server, JSP development language, and based on the three SSH framework to develop and debug. There are three kinds of interfaces in this system, which are used for management personnel, patients registered as members and medical experts to log in. The main functional modules are editing department, expert, member information, editing hospital details, management messages, booking registration, management reservation details, evaluation and other functions, and so on. Different users open different permissions, which are simple and convenient to operate, easy to use, timely feedback, and simple and intuitive interface.
Key words:Hospital registration; helper system; B/S; JSP; MySQL
1 绪论
1.1 课题研究背景