摘 要
In recent years, Internet of Things technology has developed rapidly, and location-based services have received more and more attention. Ultra-wideband technology plays a key role in indoor positioning systems, it has the advantages of high positioning accuracy, high resolution, strong penetrating power and low power consumption, but ultra-wideband signals are prone to signal blind spots and do not perform well in non-line-of-sight environments. Although the strapdown inertial navigation technology has extremely high instantaneous accuracy and positioning frequency, its positioning result is obtained by acceleration integral, and the error accumulated over time is serious. In order to concentrate the advantages of the two methods and improve their shortcomings, this paper studies a combined positioning algorithm, which uses Kalman filter to fuse the ultra-wideband technology and the positioning data of the inertial navigation system.
In order to improve the accuracy and coverage of positioning, a joint algorithm combining ultra-wideband technology and inertial navigation system was proposed, finally, the Kalman filter algorithm is used for data fusion. The details are as follows:
(1)Learn related methods for ultra-wideband indoor positioning, select the time of arrival (TOA) positioning method.
(2)Select the strapdown inertial navigation system including gyroscope and accelerometer, use the quaternion method to derive the attitude matrix, solve the positioning result of the simulated unmanned vehicle, and analyze the cause of the inertial navigation components’ errors and compensate them.
(3) The joint positioning algorithm is discussed, and the ultra-wideband positioning data and the inertial navigation data are merged by Kalman filtering.
The experimental results show that the combined navigation and positioning algorithm studied in this paper retains the high-precision advantages of UWB positioning technology, and can also solve the problem that the inertial navigation system will generate cumulative error over time, thus improving the accuracy of non-line-of-sight environment. influences. For the improvement of indoor unmanned vehicle positioning system, it has certain reference significance.
KEY WORDS:indoor positioning, UWB location, strapdown inertial navigation, Kalman filter
目 录
摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究概述 1
1.2国内外研究情况 2
1.2.1超宽带定位技术发展情况 2
1.2.2惯性导航技术发展现状 3
1.2.3组合导航发展现状 3
1.3本项目的主要研究内容 5
第二章 超宽带定位研究 6
2.1测距模块 6
2.2定位模块 6
2.2.1定位算法概述 6
2.2.2TOA定位方法 8
2.3超宽带定位法的误差分析 10
2.3.1多径效应 10
2.3.2非视距问题 10
2.3.3基站布置方式 10
2.3.4时钟同步问题 10
第三章 惯性导航系统研究 12
3.1惯性导航系统介绍 12
3.2坐标系统介绍 12
3.3捷联惯导定位算法 13
3.3.1求解姿态矩阵 14
3.3.2求解无人车的速度与位置信息 15
3.4捷联惯导误差分析 17
3.4.1陀螺仪误差 17
3.4.2加速度计误差 18
第四章 基于卡尔曼滤波法的数据融合 19
4.1组合导航介绍 19
4.2卡尔曼滤波算法 19
4.2.1离散卡尔曼滤波方程 19
4.2.2滤波参数设定与具体流程 20
第五章 室内无人车组合导航定位仿真实验 22
5.1仿真结果 22
5.1.1超宽带定位仿真结果 22
5.1.2捷联惯导定位仿真结果 23
5.1.3组合导航定位仿真结果 26
5.2仿真误差分析 27
第六章 总结与展望 30
6.1工作总结 30
6.2工作展望 32
参考文献 33
致 谢 35
第一章 绪论
在人工智能浪潮的推动下,无人车逐渐进入了大众生活的视野,其在军事、物流、餐饮、家庭服务等行业都有着出色的表现。越来越多的科研工作者把研究重点转移到了室内无人车的导航定位问题上。所有的导航技术研究都可以概括为三个循序渐进的问题:Where is it?Where does it go?How does it go?不难看出,第一个问号关注的就是室内无人车的定位问题,这是一切导航研究的开端,也正是本文研究的中心。目前已知的定位手段,包括全球定位系统、红外线、超声波、射频识别、紫蜂、伪卫星、光跟踪等。在过去的几十年中,全球定位系统(GPS)为诸多场景的导航定位发展贡献了很大的力量,但是与室外定位相比,室内位置信息更难获得,这是由于复杂的环境将会导致反射和信号衰减,并混合墙壁、家具甚至是人类的各种干扰,使得GPS进行室内定位时会发生信号丢失的情况,从而导致精度达不到预期的要求。红外线和超声波技术属于比较古老的定位手段,其定位结果极不稳定,工作环境温度和湿度变化将会使其波动变化明显,且只能保证较短距离内的定位精度,目前已逐渐淡出人们的视野;射频识别(RFID)技术的精度比红外线和超声波要更高,且无需实际接触,安装制作简单,较为经济,但其通信能力差,无法满足定位系统日益增长的实时传输结果的需要;紫蜂(ZigBee)技术由于其只能短距离通信的限制,只应用于小型家庭定位,并且其定位结果受环境的噪声干扰极大;利用伪卫星技术进行室内定位需要高昂的费用,只有军方能够承担这种代价;光跟踪室内定位技术是一种新兴的室内定位技术,由于使室内环境充满灯光这一条件比较容易满足,该技术有着广阔的应用前景,但缺点是需要使手机摄像头长时间保持开启状态,续航能力较差。