摘 要
The electrocardiogram(ECG) recorded by the wearable device usually shows different signal quality due to the diversity of noise and individual activities. It is often found that the ECG segment only includes noise without any clinically useful information. Therefore, real-time evaluation and feedback of signal quality are required. After the quality evaluation, wearable ECGs that are not clinically available are filtered, and the remaining signals can be used for further analysis such as subsequent ECG feature extraction and parameter calculation. However, these signals contain noise, especially the motion artifact noise. The existing classical QRS detection algorithm needs to be further improved in the accuracy of dynamic ECGs processing. So it is of great clinical application significance to develop a more efficient and robust dynamic ECG QRS detection algorithm. In this paper, dynamic ECG real-time quality evaluation and feature recognition are studied, and the following tasks are completed:
(1) Summarize the status quo of the research on the quality evaluation and feature recognition of ECGs, as well as the basic knowledge of the generation principle and leads of ECGs.
(2) A real-time dynamic ECG quality evaluation algorithm based on multi-template matching and correlation coefficient matrix is proposed. Firstly, pretreatment of ECGs is performed. Pamp;T and 'jqrs' algorithms are used to locate the QRS waves,and other indicators are calculated on this basis. Then, two heart beat templates of different length are built with the center of QRS waves, and the correlation coefficient matrix is obtained by template matching. Two maximum contribution rates are obtained by PCA. Finally, parameters such as maximum contribution rates, RR interval standard deviation and number of QRS waves are considered comprehensively to realize the three classification of signal quality: clinically useful and good signal quality, clinically useful but poor signal quality, and clinically useless signal (pure noise), and the clinical useless signals are filtered out. The total Kappa coefficient of this algorithm is 0.735, and the total accuracy is 82.3%.
(3) An improved QRS detection algorithm based on Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) and Hilbert transform is presented. Firstly, EEMD is used to obtain the IMFs, and three IMFs are selected to obtain the recombinant signal. Secondly, Hilbert envelope is obtained through derivation and Hilbert transformation successively. Finally, the threshold value is set and the peak finding algorithm is used to detect the QRS waves. This algorithm can effectively identify and locate the QRS waves of dynamic ECGs, and has certain robustness against abnormal rhythmic or noisy signals. The sensitivity, positive predictive value and accuracy of the algorithm are 96.84%, 99.53% and 96.40% respectively in the simulation of MIT-BIH arrhythmia database.
KEY WORDS: wearable ECG, ECG quality evaluation, template matching, QRS detection, EEMD, Hilbert transform
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2研究现状 2
1.2.1动态心电信号实时质量评估 2
1.2.2特征识别QRS检测算法 3
1.3实验数据库 3
1.3.1质量评估算法数据库简介 3
1.3.2QRS检测算法数据库简介 4
1.4论文内容与撰写安排 4
第二章 心电基础知识 5
2.1心电信号的产生原理 5
2.2心电图的标准导联 6
2.2.1肢体导联 6
2.2.2胸前导联 7
2.3本章小结 8
第三章 动态心电实时质量评估算法 9
3.1ECG波形预处理 10
3.1.1异常信号检测 10
3.1.2基线漂移滤除 11
3.2QRS检测 12
3.3其他指标 13
3.4信号模板匹配 14
3.5相关系数矩阵处理 16
3.6融合评估算法 17
3.7实验结果与分析 17
3.8本章小结 19
第四章 ECG特征识别研究 20
4.1常见QRS检测算法 20
4.1.1基于差分阈值的QRS检测算法 20
4.1.2基于小波变换的QRS检测算法 21
4.2基于EEMD和Hilbert变换的改进QRS检测算法 22
4.2.1ECG信号预处理 23
4.2.2基于EEMD的信号分解 23
4.2.3Hilbert变换 24
4.2.4实验结果与分析 27
4.3本章小结 29
第五章 总结与展望 30
5.1论文总结 30
5.2工作展望 30
参考文献 32
致 谢 35
攻读学士学位期间的研究成果 36
第一章 绪论