摘 要
In a complex external environment, global satellite navigation systems may be difficult to locate due to signal blocking problems. The GNSS/INS loosely integrated navigation system can solve this problem. The inertial sensor can provide navigation information during the GNSS receiving signal gap, and the GNSS position and velocity information can also correct the navigation information of the inertial sensor.
This paper explores the GNSS/INS integrated navigation algorithm and hardware platform. Firstly, the principle of GNSS positioning and velocity measurement is studied. The attitude, position and velocity of the inertial navigation system are deduced by quaternion, and the advantages and disadvantages of positioning between GNSS and INS are compared. Then the principle and basic equations of discrete Kalman filter are expounded. The Kalman filter based on GNSS/INS loosely combination system is constructed and semi-physical experiment simulation is carried out.
According to the design requirements, the hardware platform of GNSS/INS loosely integrated navigation system based on STM32F405RG is realized. The hardware platform includes GNSS receiver, inertial sensor, USB to serial port and other modules. The data is collected through the hardware platform, and the collected data is processed and analyzed offline. The data results show the correctness of the overall design of the modules and systems.
KEY WORDS: loosely coupled, GNSS/INS, Kalman filter, hardware platform
摘 要
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 GNSS/INS组合导航研究背景及意义 1
1.2 GNSS/INS组合导航研究现状 1
1.3论文主要研究内容及章节安排 2
第二章 GNSS和INS导航原理 4
2.1 全球导航卫星系统 4
2.1.1 GPS卫星导航定位原理 4
2.1.3 GPS卫星导航测速原理 6
2.2 惯性导航系统 7
2.2.1 常用坐标系 7
2.2.2 坐标系转换 8
2.2.3 姿态更新算法 9
2.2.4 速度位置解算 11
2.3 本章小结 11
第三章 GNSS/INS组合导航算法研究 13
3.1 离散型卡尔曼滤波器原理 13
3.2 GNSS/INS松组合卡尔曼滤波器设计 14
3.2.1 GNSS/INS组合方式 14
3.2.2卡尔曼滤波器设计 15
3.3卡尔曼滤波实验仿真 17
3.4本章小结 19
第四章 GNSS/INS组合导航硬件平台设计 20
4.1 GNSS/INS组合导航整体硬件结构设计 20
4.2 GNSS/INS组合导航最小控制单元设计 20
4.2.1 微控制器资源需求分析 20
4.2.2 最小系统电路设计 21
4.3 GNSS/INS组合导航GNSS接收机设计 23
4.4 GNSS/INS组合导航IMU模块设计 25
4.5 GNSS/INS组合导航USB转串口模块和电源模块设计 26
4.5.1 USB转串口模块设计 26
4.5.2 系统电源需求分析 26
4.6本章小结 27
第五章 GNSS/INS组合导航系统功能测试和结果分析 28
5.1 GNSS/INS组合导航系统各模块测试 28
5.1.1 GNSS接收机模块测试 28
5.1.2 惯导模块测试 30
5.2 GNSS/INS组合导航系统整体测试 30
5.3本章小结 36
第六章 总结与展望 37
6.1论文基本工作叙述 37
6.2后续工作 37
参考文献 38
致谢 40