
 2022-05-16 20:31:38


摘 要





Cardiovascular disease has become the first killer threatening human health, and early prevention and treatment have become a hot issue in academic and industrial circles. Heart sound signal is an important physiological signal of cardiovascular system, which contains important information of human heart activity, especially cardiac mechanical activity. Cardiac auscultation is also the most routine means of clinical cardiovascular disease risk screening. This paper aims to design a portable intelligent heart sound acquisition and analysis system based on cloud architecture, which can realize real-time heart sound signal acquisition and intelligent analysis, give the heart whether there is abnormal judgment, and upload the collected signals and processing results to the cloud for storage and display.

The intelligent heart sound system designed in this paper includes acquisition device, wireless transmission module, acquisition terminal, cloud platform and analysis algorithm module. The system collects the heart sound signal through the front-end sensor, and then transmits the signal through the signal conditioning circuit and the analog-to-digital conversion to the end user and the cloud platform, realizing the heart sound signal acquisition, storage, transmission, display and other functions. The analysis module of the heart sound algorithm first carries out filtering, normalization and other preprocessing of the heart sound signal, and then the hidden semi-markov model to carry out the heart sound segmentation, and then extracts Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients as the feature and input it into the SVM model for classification processing, so as to realize the classification and recognition of normal/abnormal heart sound. The algorithm in this paper was analyzed on the database of The 2016 PhysioNet/CinC Challenge, with a total of 3153 pieces of heart sound data. The final classification accuracy was 91.28%, sensitivity was 68.72%, and specificity was 97.31%.

KEY WORDS: Vital signs monitoring, Hidden semi-markov model, Heart sound segmentation, Classification of heart sounds, Cloud platform

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3国内外研究现状 1

1.3.1心音传感器 2

1.3.2心音分割 2

1.3.3心音分类 2

1.3.4智能心音设备 2

1.4研究内容 3

第二章 心音相关知识 4

2.1心音产生机制 4

2.2异常心音 5

2.3心音听诊位置 6

2.4本章小结 7

第三章 心音采集装置的设计与实现 8

3.1传感器的选择 8

3.2信号预处理电路 8

3.3 AD转换模块 10

3.4蓝牙传输模块 10

3.5本章小结 12

第四章 基于云架构的便携式采集与分析系统的实现 13

4.1终端 13

4.1.1终端的蓝牙通讯 13

4.1.2文件读取及显示 14

4.1.3页面展示 14

4.2云平台 16

4.3本章小结 18

第五章 心音分析算法 19

5.1分析算法 19

5.1.1预处理 19

5.1.2心音分割算法 19

5.1.3特征提取 23

5.1.4分类算法 24

5.2数据库 27

5.3结果与讨论 28

5.4本章小结 29

第六章 总结与展望 30

6.1文章总结 30

6.2研究展望 30

参考文献 32

致 谢 34

第一章 绪论


随着我国经济不断发展,人们的生活方式也在不断变化,在最新的调查研究报告《中国心血管病报告2018》[1]中,心血管病死亡占城市居民总死亡原因的43.16%,占农村居民总死亡原因的 45.50%。中国心血管病患病率与前几年相比仍然处于不断上升的趋势,不容乐观。心血管病已经成为威胁人们健康的一大危险因素,心血管病的防范与治疗工作形势依然很严峻。



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