
 2022-07-18 12:34:18


摘 要

Abstract IV

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.2 光学望远系统的类型和现状 1

折射式望远系统 1

反射式望远系统 2

折-反射式望远系统 6

1.3 本文研究的主要内容和方法 6

第二章 望远光学系统的基本分类、原理、优缺点和应用 8

2.1 折射式望远光学系统 8

2.2 反射式望远光学系统 9

2.2.1 反射式望远光学系统的分类和原理 9

2.2.2 反射式望远光学系统的优缺点及其应用 16

2.3 折-反射式望远光学系统 17

2.3.1 经典施密特系统和施密特-卡式系统 17

2.3.2 马克苏托夫系统和马克苏托夫-卡式系统 18

第三章 望远光学系统光路设计的优化设计思路 21

3. 1 光学望远系统的几个主要的技术指标 21

3.1.1 分辨率α 21

3.1.2 视放大率Γ 21

3.1.3 视场角2w 22

3.1.1 出瞳直径D 23

3.1.5 相对孔径A 23

3.1.6 系统的焦距f 23

3. 2 像差的基本理论介绍 23

3.2.1 单色像差 23

3.2.2 色差 26

3.3 双反射镜系统消除像差的理论基础研究 27

3.4 反射式望远光学系统的消像差设计建议 30

3.4.1 设计对象和改进思路 30

3.4.2 改进系统的优缺点 31

第四章 现代光学技术的发展现状及大型望远镜中对望远光系统的应用 32

4.1 现代望远光学技术的发展 32

4.1.1 光敏材料底片的发展 32

4.1.2 镜面拼接技术的出现和逐步成熟 32

4.1.3 “主动光学”技术的应用和发展 32

4.1.4 “自适应光学”技术的发展 32

4.1.5 光谱学的形成,发展和应用 32

4.2 LAMOST(大天区多面积多目标光纤光谱天文望远镜) 33

4.2.1 LAMOST的主体结构 33

4.2.2 LAMOST的光学系统 33

第五章 总结 35

致谢 36

参考文献 37











Optical communication has gradually become the main mode of information transmission in modern society. The receiving part of optical communication originated from the telescope optical system. Researching the imaging quality of the telescope optical system can further improve the quality of optical communication.

Aberration is a major factor influencing the imaging quality of the telescope optical system. This paper will analyze the aberrations and structures of various telescopic optical systems, and then propose some improvements to its aberration and structure problems.

The first chapter of this thesis mainly introduces the background and research significance of the topic of the thesis, and gives a general introduction to some historical developments and current situation of the optical system.

The second chapter will introduce the basic principles, existing advantages and disadvantages, and related applications of refraction telephoto system, reflection telephoto system, folded-reflection telephoto system, and mainly study the optical path diagram of optical system.

In the third chapter, some main design indexes and related requirements of the telescopic optical system are given. At the same time, the specific mathematical principles and parameters of the aberrations of the double mirrors are discussed. Combining with the folding-reflection system introduced in Chapter 2, a proposal is made. The combination of the high-order surface correction mirror of the Mitter-card system and the meniscus-cassette system's meniscus mirror is placed in front of the spherical primary mirror and a correction lens is placed behind the primary mirror. System for optimization advice.

The fourth chapter mainly introduces the optical system used in modern large-scale telescopes and the development of modern optical technology.


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