
 2022-01-17 23:42:20


目 录

摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

一.绪论 1

1.1课题背景和意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3虚拟仪器与labview 2

1.4课题的实现内容 3

二.串口通信系统方案设计 3

2.1 串口通信设计要求 3

2.2 串口通信系统总体方案设计 3

2.3虚拟下位机简介 4

2.4 虚拟串口的配置 5

三. Labview串口通信分模块设计 6

3.1 子VI模块的设计 6

3.2 登录界面模块(子VI) 7

3.2.1 登录 8

3.2.2 密码 9

3.3 串口通信模块 10

3.3.1 串口通信方式 10

3.3.2 串口通信模块编程 11

3.3.3 串口通信模块测试 12

3.4 发送/接收模块 13

3.5 显示模块 15

3.6 其他模块 17

3.6.1 保存数据模块 17

3.6.2 计数器模块 18

3.6.3 获取系统时间模块 18

3.6.4进制转换模块(子VI) 18

四.labview串口通信运行结果显示 19

五. 总结和展望 23

参考文献: 24

致谢 26





In order to realize the communication between the upper computer and the lower computer, a serial communication system based on Labview was designed.This article introduces the typical software development platform labview language of virtual instrument to realize the serial communication method between the upper and lower computers, and elaborates the design idea from two aspects of hardware and software.The core content is mainly the use of the LabVIEW platform through the design of software programs, plus the serial data debugger software, so that the data transmitted to the computer through the serial communication is displayed in the labview and data processing and analysis.In addition, the design of the user login interface was also designed to add a layer of confidentiality to the program. The use of advanced virtual instrument software labview, openness is good, the function is flexible and diverse, the complexity of serial communication is also reduced, the workload of software design is greatly reduced, and the investment cost is greatly reduced. In real life, it is of great practical significance.

Keywords: Labview,serial communication,NI-VISA driver, serial data debugger




通信,是一个贯穿于历史始终的问题,从古代的“飞鸽传书”到现代的互联网通信,通信手段层出不穷,通信方式也越来越多变,时至今日,科学家们对这个问题仍旧十分重视,在科学技术发达的今天,鉴于计算机技术、通信技术、微电子技术以及信息技术的不断发展和成熟,传统的通信模式已经无法工作,因而需要我们突破时代的界限、空间的限制和区域的限制,使得通信的范围更广,通用性也需要越来越强,这对测控系统的发展和建立也有越来越大的影响。虽然通信方式方式多种多样,通信协议各有不同的标准,但他们都有一个共同的目标——通信。当然,对于PC与PC通信、PC与单片机通信、PC与温度采集系统等进行通信时,一般首选串口通信方式。对于串口通信来说,有RS-232、RS-485等标准,并且由于它们具有通信稳定、抗干扰能力强一级成本低等优点所以在工业领域的应用十分广泛[1]。由于笔记本电脑没有RS-232串口[2],相对于用USB转RS-232线或者USB转RS-485线进行通信这两种方法来说,所采用的虚拟串口进行通信更加便捷简单。由于现代通信技术十分发达,相比较多种通信方式,比如:基于VisualC 串口通信技术[3]、基于 C#的串口通信技术[4,5,6,7]以及基于 Java串口通信技术[8,9,10]等,用labview进行串口通信是比较方便快捷而又简单的一种方式[11]



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