目 录
1 前言 1
1.1 课题研究背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 研究内容 2
2 图像预处理 2
2.1 图像灰度化 2
2.2 灰度变换 3
2.3 平滑滤波 4
2.3.1 中值滤波 4
2.3.2 高斯滤波 5
2.4 图像二值化 5
2.5 形态学运算 6
2.6 边缘检测 7
2.6.1 Sobel算子 7
2.6.2 Canny算子 7
3 车道线检测算法设计 8
3.1 确定感兴趣区 8
3.2 基于Hough变换的直车道线检测 9
3.2.1 Hough变换原理 9
3.2.2 直车道线检测步骤 10
3.3 基于最小二乘法的弯曲车道线检测 11
3.3.1 最小二乘法原理 11
3.3.2 弯曲车道线检测步骤 12
4 车速自适应控制算法研究 13
4.1 弯道安全车速计算 13
4.2 常规PID控制算法 15
4.3 模糊PID控制算法及车速自适应控制系统设计 16
5 实验与分析 20
5.1 实验数据来源及仿真环境 20
5.2 实验结果与分析 21
5.2.1 车道线检测实验 21
5.2.2 车速自适应控制Simulink建模仿真 22
6 总结与展望 25
6.1 总结 25
6.2 展望 26
参考文献 27
致谢 28
Abstract:The research content of this paper is mainly divided into two parts: road environment information extraction and vehicle speed adaptive control algorithm. The road environment information extraction first preprocesses the image of the vehicle-mounted camera to highlight the lane line feature information, and determines the region of interest in order to improve the calculation efficiency. For the straight lane line, the Hough transform is used to extract the straight line, and the two straight lane lines closest to the vehicle are screened and drawn; for the curved lane line, the parabolic model is used for curve fitting by the least squares method and the parabola coefficient is used. Judging the turn of the curve. Simulating the algorithm through Matlab can well extract the lane line from the road image.
The vehicle speed adaptive control algorithm first calculates the safe vehicle speed according to the lane line bending, and then uses the fuzzy PID control algorithm to realize the vehicle speed adjustment and control. This paper uses Simulink to model and simulate the fuzzy PID control algorithm and the traditional PID algorithm. Through comparison, it is found that the fuzzy PID control can achieve better control results.
Key words:lane detection;image processing;Hough transform;least square method;fuzzy PID
1 前言
- 课题研究背景和意义