
 2022-05-26 21:21:35


摘 要








With the development of The Times, China's medical reform has been on the road, in order to realize the Chinese dream as soon as possible, the deepening of medical system reform is imperative. As a hospital is closely related to the people, the improvement of medical system is an essential factor to achieve social harmony. Hospital bed is one of the most important medical equipment in a hospital, and also one of the core competitiveness of a hospital in the future to gain a firm foothold in the market, so the management of hospital bed arrangement system is crucial. However, there are still quite a few hospitals with unsatisfactory utilization rate of hospital beds, so in order to make better use of resources, it is necessary to carry out corresponding planning and research on hospital beds. This paper mainly studies the benefit of hospital bed arrangement through the actual data of an eye bed in a hospital, and obtains a better arrangement plan by comparing with the actual situation.

Firstly, the original data were analyzed, SPSS software was used to conduct distribution fitting for the data of patient arrival time and hospitalization time, and hypothesis testing was conducted. Finally, the distribution function of ophthalmic patient arrival time was poisson distribution, and the rule of patient hospitalization time data was included.

In order to evaluate the sickbed arrangement, consider the two aspects of hospital and patients to choose the target evaluation indexes: hospital services of one cycle of the average waiting time of patients and hospital patients, due to the statistical data showed that patients within two weeks after can complete all treatment process of hospital discharge, so using two weeks for a cycle simulation. The more patients a hospital receives within two weeks, the better, and the shorter the average waiting time for admission, the better.

According to the data statistics, five types of ophthalmic patients are analyzed. Considering that the doctors and operating rooms in the hospital are limited, some kinds of surgeries are not arranged every day. If the patients are admitted immediately after the outpatient service, the resources of beds may be wasted and the patients may have unnecessary expenses. Therefore, in this paper, the hospital admission time of cataract patients, glaucoma patients, retinal disease patients and trauma patients who need surgery for both eyes was reasonably planned. According to the operation schedule and the principle of the shortest hospitalization time, they were admitted at different times of a week.

Based on VB6.0, a simulation program is designed to simulate the original scheme and the new scheme. Finally, it is concluded that the new scheme is superior to the original scheme in both the number of patients received by the hospital and the average waiting time of the admitted patients within one cycle.

Key words: Data Analysis; System Simulation; Scheme Optimization

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究背景和意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3主要研究内容与思路 4

第二章 数据分析 6

2.1数据的分布拟合 6

2.2数据的假设检验 11

2.2.1SPSS 11

2.2.2病人到达时间的假设检验 12

2.2.3病人住院时间的假设检验 13

第三章 建立系统模型 15

3.1数学建模 15

3.2定义评价指标 15

3.3建模过程 16

3.3.1符号说明 16

3.3.2建立模型 16

3.4方案说明 17

3.4.1原有方案 17

3.4.2新方案 18

第四章 眼科病房住院系统仿真 19

4.1VB6.0 19

4.1.1语言特点 19

4.1.2突出优势 20

4.2基础程序构建 20

4.2.1确定病床数 21

4.2.2入院出院功能实现 21

4.3方案实施 22

4.4仿真结果对比 24

4.5方案评价 26

第五章 结论和展望 28

5.1结论及独创性 28

5.2局限和展望 28

参考文献: 29

致 谢 30

第一章 绪论





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