
 2021-12-26 13:41:38


摘 要





Experimental study on charging of lithium power battery

02611212 Zhang Jun

Supervised by Xiao Feng

Abstract: Electric vehicles is in accordance with the future direction of development of the auto industry due to its high reliable and zero emission characteristics, and as electric vehicle power source, the performance of battery is one of the core section in promoting the electric vehicles developments. With the problem of the current power battery charging, the fast and efficient battery charging method is getting more and more attention.

At present,the charging method of battery include conventional charging and fast charging, conventional charging generally takes long time,has low safety and low charge efficiency, and gets more possibilities to damage the battery; fast charging method improves the charging efficiency but it still has low energy conversion rate and some special fast charging methods required complex hardware control, it is difficult to control accurately.Therefore, it is of great significance to study the mode of battery charging and to propose an effective and fast charging method.

In this paper, the lithium iron phosphate battery is studied. The highly efficient and fast charging mode is presented by the research on the structure of the battery and the charging reaction principle. Reference to a first-order RC equivalent circuit model,the issue come out the fitting function between charging current and constant turning point in time under CC-CV charge mode, provides a suitable current reference value for the actual conditions of the battery charge. Through the analysis of the CV curves of different rate charge experimental data, the polarization of the battery is found to be a severe degree.The subject takes improvement experiments by using the conclusion of Maas law. Experimental results show that using constant current step current can be reduced to enable the charging current is more close to the optimum charging curve accepted and effective removal of the charging process of polarization, increase the battery charging capacity and the cycle life of the battery is protected.

Key words: lithium iron phosphate battery;fast charging method;elimination of polarization

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

1、 绪论 2

1.1 选题背景及意义 2

1.2电动汽车动力电池的研发状况 2

1.2.1电动汽车动力电池概述 2

1.2.2电动汽车锂电池的发展状况 3

1.2.3车用锂电池使用中面临的问题 5

2、 磷酸铁锂电池的充电分析 7

2.1磷酸铁锂电池的基本特性 7

2.1.1 电池的结构与工作原理 7

2.1.2电池的充电过程 8

2.2极化现象对磷酸铁锂电池的影响 8

2.2.1电池极化现象的定义 8

2.2.2极化现象分类 9

2.2.3极化现象对电池充电的影响 9

2.2.4消除极化的方法和注意点 9

3、 磷酸铁锂电池充电方法的研究 11

3.1马斯定律 11

3.2锂离子电池常规充电方式 11

3.2.1恒流充电法 11

3.2.2恒压充电法 12

3.3锂离子电池快速充电方法 12

3.3.1脉冲充电法 12

3.3.2间歇充电法 13

3.3.3智能充电法 13

4、 磷酸铁锂快速充电实验设计 14

4.1实验对象 14

4.2实验对象选取原则 14

4.3实验的设计与实施 15

4.4数据统计与分析 15

4.5小结 17

5、 极化消除实验 18

5.1极化现象分析 18

5.2改进实验的设计与数据分析 18

6、 结论与展望 20

致 谢 21

参考文献 22

1、 绪论

1.1 选题背景及意义

能源与环境是新世纪人类文明发展的两大关注点,工业的高速发展给人类的社会带来了方方面面的便利,但是伴随而来的能源危机、空气质量等问题也日益突出。截至2014年底,我国汽车保有量1.54亿辆,汽车驾驶人超过2.46亿,驾龄不满1年的驾驶人2967万,占总数的9.82%。汽车产销量双超2300万辆,产销量保持世界第一[1] 。人们对汽车的需求不断普及,然而燃油汽车的尾气排放是城市环境污染的主要源头之一。

因此,采用新能源技术降低汽车能耗与排放的电动汽车技术已经成为未来汽车技术发展的主要方向,国务院办公厅印发了《关于加快新能源汽车推广应用的指导意见》,相关部门出台了免征车购税、充电设施建设奖励、推广情况公示、党政机关采购等一系列政策措施,实施了新能源汽车产业技术创新工程,发布了78项电动汽车标准,提振了汽车行业发展新能源汽车的信心[1]。与传统燃油车车相比,电动汽车存在着几个独特优点:一,环保节能,电动汽车不会排出有毒气体造成空气污染,电动汽车使用蓄电池作为能源,电力能源来源广泛,其中不乏清洁能源;二,能源利用率高,在城市中, 道路车流量较大,车辆行驶经常会在路灯、路口、堵车处、巴士停靠站等等地方停下等待然后又启动。对于传统汽车而言,这意味着汽油的不必要消耗,同时也提高了尾气排放量。而电动汽车在减速停车时,由于电磁感应的特性,可以把车辆动能转化成电势能储存起来。这样在停车起步时,就不必让汽车动能白白浪费,借此可以提高能源的使用率,同时保护了空气质量;三,原材料丰富,中国市场占据全球汽车产销量的龙头地位,在全球都在摸索汽车未来发展方向的契机点上如果能在电动汽车上领跑全球将是我国汽车工业发展的良好趋势,而且时下最热门的锂离子动力电池所需要的各项资源我国也极其丰富[2]


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