货运车随车吊设计—— 液压系统方案设计及液压缸设计

 2023-01-20 09:07:21


摘 要



Truck-mounted crane design - boom motion

analysis and steel structure design


The truck-mounted crane, referred to as the truck-mounted crane, is a kind of equipment that can lift, rotate and lift goods by means of hydraulic lifting and telescopic system. It is usually assembled on trucks.The design of the truck-mounted crane is completed by three people, which is divided into three parts: the shape design of the truck-mounted crane, the rotary mechanism design and the hydraulic part design. I design the hydraulic part, that is, the hydraulic system scheme of the crane and two hydraulic cylinders - boom telescopic cylinder and main lifting cylinder.Hydraulic cylinder is an actuator which converts hydraulic energy into mechanical energy in hydraulic device to realize linear reciprocating motion or swing reciprocating motion.The maximum angle of movement of the boom of the truck-mounted crane designed in this paper is from 30 to 45 upward. The length of the boom is 1250 mm, and the lifting weight is between 0.5 and 3.0 tons.So I designed the main lifting hydraulic cylinder and boom telescopic cylinder to make the truck crane can meet this requirement, the hydraulic system scheme can also meet the requirements, and with the design calculation of accessories such as fuel tank.

Key words: Truck-mounted crane,Hydraulic cylinder, Hydraulic system scheme, tank

目 录

摘 要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 引言 1

1.1随车吊概述 1

1.2随车吊简图 2

1.3随车吊液压系统 2

第二章 随车吊液压系统方案设计 4

2.1液压系统原理图 4

2.2 主举升油缸设计 4

2.2.1液压缸主要参数性能 4

2.2.2主要尺寸的确定 4

2.2.3强度校核 6

2.2.4稳定性校核 8

2.3 缸壁伸缩油缸设计 9

2.3.1液压缸主要参数性能 9

2.3.2主要尺寸的确定 9

2.3.3强度校核 10

2.3.4稳定性校核 12

2.4主举升油缸、伸缩油缸.、回转马达各液压功率计算及比较 13

2.5选择液压系统的液压泵及电动机型号 16

2.5.1液压泵的计算与选择 16

2.6确定液压系统的控制阀 16

2.7确定系统溢流阀及调整压力 17

第三章 液压系统辅助元件设计 18

3.1 油箱设计 18

3.1.1根据散热确定油箱容积 18

3.1.2油箱容量的标准 18

3.2 管路计算与管接头选择 19

3.2.1管路计算 19

3.2.2管接头选择 19

第四章 结束语 20

谢辞 21

参考文献(References) 22

  1. 引言



图1.1 货运车随车吊


图1.2 折叠臂式随车起重运输车整车图

1-支架,2-下节臂 3 上节臂 4-伸缩液压缸,5-伸缩臂 6-吊勾 7-中间臂 8-附加吊钩 9-折叠液压缸 10-载荷限位杆 11-举升液压缸 12-操纵阀13回转机构 14-机架 15-支腿





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