
 2022-05-27 22:19:56


摘 要






With the development of economy, the electric vehicle industry is developing rapidly. At the same time, the electric vehicle charging pile industry is also developing hinly. Under the premise of realizing the use value of charging pile, people begin to pay more attention to the design of charging pile. This paper mainly discusses the main contents of this topic: analysis of the existing charging pile modeling characteristics, design of electric vehicle charging pile modeling, and charge pile display screen and mobile APP interface design.

In the part of product modeling, the design of excellent charging piles at home and abroad is analyzed. According to the user's functional requirements for charging piles, human factors engineering is fully considered. The scale, proportion and layout of charging piles are designed, and a relatively complete product model is constructed. In the part of interface design, considering the functions that users need to use in the process of using, the user-centered interface design principle is adopted to design the display screen interface of charging pile body and the interactive interface of mobile end respectively.

The innovation of this subject lies in the design of charge pile's appearance. The design of product model refers to some excellent theory of product design, and designs the whole shape of charge pile. At the same time, the visual design and concealed design are used to optimize the design of lighting and ventilation holes. In the interface design, considering the function of charging pile APP, the user's itinerary is analyzed, the multi-level information interface is structured, and the user interface prototype is designed.

Key words: electric vehicle charging pile, modeling design, interactive design

目 录



目 录 1

第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题的研究背景和意义 1

1.1.1课题背景 1

1.1.2课题研究意义 2

1.2充电桩国内外发展现状 3

1.2.1国外充电桩发展状况 3

1.2.2国内充电桩发展现状 4

1.3交互设计发展现状 5

1.4本课题的主要内容 7

1.5本课题的关键问题及难点 8

第二章 产品造型设计原理及方法 11

2.1产品形态设计原理与方法 11

2.2机电产品造型设计分析 14

2.3充电桩外观造型设计分析 14

2.3.1国外优秀案例造型设计分析 15

2.3.2国内优秀案例造型设计分析 16

2.3.3充电桩造型设计分析总结 17

第三章 充电桩外形设计 18

3.1南京市内调研 18

3.2设计定位 18

3.3方案设计步骤 19

3.4初步设计草图方案 19

第四章 互联网交互设计 23

4.1尼尔森的十大可用性原则 23

4.2交互界面设计分析 24

4.3功能结构分析 24

4.3.1用户行程分析 25

4.3.2功能结构梳理 25

4.4交互界面设计 28

4.4.1 app界面设计 28

4.4.2 充电桩显示屏界面设计 31

第五章 课题总结 33

5.1课题成果 33

5.2 课题特点 33

5.3不足和展望 33

5.3.1不足之处 33

5.3.2未来展望 34

5.4本章小结 34

致谢 35

参考文献 36

  1. 绪论




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