摘 要
A design of Cervical Spine Automatic Traction Device
Abstract: As the development of society, working pressure is going bigger and bigger. The incidence rate of cervical spondylosis has increased year by year. Now the white-collar employers are becoming the main group in patients with cervical spondylosis. In clinical use, cervical traction is the most common way to treat cervical spondylosis. When using cervical traction, the traction angle, strength, time and position should be considered.
The paper is aimed to design a new cervical spine automatic traction device, to control the traction angle and strength accurately. And the data can be visual at the same time. The device can help to reduce the burden on doctors. It can also offer a great opportunity for medical devices going to family in the future.
The paper first introduces current situation of cervical spondylosis. Then it mentions already existing cervical traction equipment on the market. And the impact factors are described with details. Next, it introduces the structure of this cervical traction device with details. The first to mention is the overall framework, and the way to realize its function. Then it is divided into several parts, each part with a lot most details. The last part is about the realization of automation control. In this chapter, it is described in both traction strength and traction angel.
The ultimate device is in line with the requirements of humanization design, achieving the precise control of the traction strength. It has some innovations in controlling traction angle as well.
Keywords: Cervical Spine, Automatic Control, Humanization Design, Traction Strength, Traction Angle
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 颈椎病的现状 1
1.2 颈椎病的治疗手段及装置 2
1.2.1 颈椎病的治疗手段 2
1.2.2 颈椎病的治疗装置 2
1.3 颈椎牵引概述 5
1.4 颈椎牵引的影响因素 6
1.4.1 牵引力度 6
1.4.2 牵引角度 7
1.4.3 牵引时间 7
1.4.4 牵引体位 7
1.5 本文研究内容 7
第二章 颈椎牵引椅的结构设计 9
2.1 牵引力度结构设计 10
2.1.1 电机 10
2.1.2 交流伺服电机驱动器 11
2.1.3 联轴器 11
2.1.4 滚珠丝杠 11
2.2 牵引角度结构设计 12
2.2.1 伸缩杆 13
2.2.2 直线导轨 13
2.3 牵引椅外观设计 14
2.3.1 外观结构 15
2.3.2 尺寸设计 18
第三章 颈椎牵引椅的自动控制 20
3.1 牵引力度的控制 20
3.1.1 芯片选型 20
3.1.2 电路控制 21
3.2 牵引角度的控制 23
第四章 总结与展望 24
4.1 个人小结 24
4.2 未来展望 24
致 谢 26
参考文献 27
第一章 绪论
1.1 颈椎病的现状
- 长时间保持坐姿
- 伤病
- 睡姿不正确