
 2022-02-13 18:23:14


摘 要

关键词 1

Abstract 2

Key words 2

第一章 绪论 3

1.1 研究背景及意义 3

1.2 国内外硬币处理机发展现状 4

1.2.1 国内硬币包装机发展简介 4

1.2.2 国外硬币包装机发展简介 7

1.3 现有的硬币包装原理综述 7

1.4 本课题的研究内容及难点 10

1.4.1本课题研究内容 10

1.4.2 本课题研究难点 10

1.5 相关软件的使用 10

1.5.1 三维建模 10

1.5.2 工程图的绘制 11

1.6 本章小结 11

第二章 硬币自动分卷装置的设计 12

2.1 总体设计方案 12

2.2 进币机构 12

2.2.1 进币原理分析及总体设计 13

2.2.2进币结构设计的理论计算 15

2.3 叠币及分垒机构的设计 17

2.3.1硬币叠币及分垒机构总体设计 17

2.3.2 分垒结构设计细节描述 18

2.4 进纸及包卷机构的设计 20

2.4.1 进纸及包卷机构总体设计 20

2.4.2 包卷机构设计细节描述 21

2.5 出币机构的设计 22

2.5.1 出币机构原理 22

2.5.2 出币机构结构设计 22

2.6 控制部分的简要设计描述 22

2.7 本章小结 23

第三章 设计细节详述 25

3.1 配合关系在设计中的使用 25

3.2 便于装配的合理性分析及人性化产品设计 26

3.3 轴的设计以及轴承的选用 27

3.4 工艺设计改良 27

3.5 本章小结 29

第四章 结论及展望 30

4.1 工作总结 30

4.2 重要结论 31

4.3 后续工作 31

4.4 本章小结 31

致谢 32

参考文献 33


02013135 吕君

指导教师 沙菁㛃





TitleAutomatic coin separating device

02013135 Jun Lv

Supervised by Jingjie Sha

AbstractFrom the perspective of international future development trend, the higher the degree of development of the country, the more extensive use of small coins. And our country is in the stage of the development of the developed countries, which means that the use of small coins will be more and more extensive. At present, in the bank, bus companies, such as a large number of coins on the occasion, for a large number of coins are still in manual counting and packaging stage, manual inventory packaging, very low efficiency. Before there have been a lot of bank staff to work overtime late into the night, just because a large number of coins deposited by hand. So efficient is really unbearable. For this problem, the current market, although there has been a large automatic coin counting packaging machines, but because the price is expensive and large size and other issues have been unable to popularize. In depth analysis of the underlying causes of this phenomenon, due to the current account of the handling of coins for coins and packaging technology is still far from meeting the market demand. Germany, Japan and the United States, Switzerland and other developed countries in this area of technology has been at the forefront, and our country is mainly rely on a large number of foreign advanced coin processing equipment to meet market demand. Although there are more than one university in China to deal with the issue of coin automation research, but most still remain in the theoretical research stage.

This subject belongs to engineering technology. The main purpose of the study is for processing a large number of a dollar coin, design a small automatic coiling device, can realize the automatic coin to 50 gold as the number of base of wrapping. This paper designs a set of coins from the currency to the packaging of the actuator proposed a new coins into the way and a new type of automatic coiling. The implementation of the specific implementation of the organization, and the three-dimensional modeling and engineering drawing.


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