摘 要
The under scraper subassembly finite element modeling and the analysis of static and dynamic characteristics
02012224 wuyifan
Supervised by ZhuZhuangrui
Abstract: For the city,in the densely populated city, the amount of garbage generated every day is great, but the land is limited, so the garbage disposal has become a very serious problem.Therefore, the compression and crushing function of the compressed garbage truck is increasingly popular in the environmental protection department. Garbage truck mainly used as transport all kinds of garbage, applicable to the transport area garbage, and can be loaded into the garbage compression, crush, the density increases, reduced volume, greatly improves the efficiency of garbage collection and transportation.
The scraper is an important part of the garbage truck, and it is the core working part in the process of filling. In the hydraulic drive, complete garbage excavation filling effect. In the course of work, the role of complex alternating load, but also the structure of the easily damaged parts.
In this paper, the use of SolidWorks software for garbage truck scraper assembly for 3D detailed CAD modeling, based on two-dimensional CAD drawings, master various parts in the assembly diagram of relative position, through SolidWorks for geometric modeling and in SolidWorks based on two-dimensional assembly diagram of virtual assembly. Then through special interface or intermediate format file, will have been used SolidWorks built the 3D model of incoming finite element analysis software ANSYS, to build the dynamic model and by ANSYS for engineering vehicle flight dynamics model for all conditions simulation static and dynamic characteristics analysis and the results were compared.
In this paper, after the loaded compression type garbage truck as the research object, by referring to the principle and the structure of the information engineering vehicles and on finite element analysis of the scraper of three-dimensional model in the engineering vehicle of lower scraper under all kinds of working stress and the scraper structure characteristics and design of reasonable analysis.
Key words: engineering vehicle; lower blade; modeling; finite element; static and dynamic characteristics
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
目 录 VI
1、 绪论 1
1.1、研究背景和意义 1
1.2、 国内外发展状况 1
1.3、本文主要内容 2
2、 后装压缩式垃圾车的原理及有限元分析法的概述 4
2.1、车厢的结构 4
2.2、下刮板的工作原理 4
2.3、有限元分析的基本方法 5
2.4、有限元分析的发展趋势 7
2.5、本章小结 7
3、下刮板三维模型的建立 9
3.1、Solidworks软件概述 9
3.2、下刮板二维平面图 9
3.3、三维模型的建立和装配 11
3.4、本章小结 12
4、基于Hypermesh的下刮板有限元网格划分 14
4.1、Hypermesh软件概述 14
4.2、有限元网格划分的基本原则 14
4.3、有限元网格划分的基本方法 15
4.4、模型的有限元网格划分 16
4.4.1 三维模型的处理 16
4.4.2 网格的划分 17
4.5、本章小结 19
5、下刮板三维模型的有限元分析 21
5.1 ANSYS软件概述 21
5.2 ANSYSY计算的基本方法和流程 21
5.3 基于ANSYS软件的模态分析 21
5.3.1 模态分析简介 21
5.3.2 下刮板模态分析步骤 22
5.3.3 基于ANSYS的下刮板模态分析 22
5.3.4 下刮板模态结果分析 25
5.4 基于ANSYS软件的静力分析 25
5.4.1 静力分析概述 25
5.4.2 下刮板工作环境的计算 25
5.4.3 下刮板的静力分析 27
5.5 本章小结 28
6、 心得体会与展望 29
致 谢 30
参考文献 31