
 2022-01-18 12:01


目 录

摘要 1

1引言 3

2 工程项目现场勘查 4

2.1 环境概况 4

2.1.1 上海市气候特征 4

2.1.2 雷电环境条件及土壤电阻率 4

2.2建筑物概况 4

3建筑物雷击防护等级划分 5

3.1建筑物的防雷分类 5

3.2建筑物的电子信息系统的防雷分级 6

4外部防雷设计 7

4.1屋面接闪装置 7

4.2引下线设置 8

4.3接地装置 9

4.4防侧击雷措施 10

5内部防雷设计 10

5.1 雷电引起的瞬态效应 11

5.1.1 感应电压的计算 11

5.1.2 感应电磁场的计算 12

5.1.3 雷电引起的瞬态效应小结 14

5.3 等电位连接 15

5.3.1 总等电位连接 15

5.3.2 局部等电位连接及机房的等电位连接 17

5.4 屏蔽 17

5.4.1 初级屏蔽 17

5.4.2 建筑物线缆及设备屏蔽 18

5.5 电源系统的防护 18

5.6 弱电系统的防护 20

5.6.1 弱电系统综合布线 20

5.6.2信号SPD的安装 21

6 结论与展望 22

参考文献: 23

致谢 25




Abstract:By science and economy developing rapidly,high-rise building becomes more and more common dealing with the dramatic increasement of population. In this way,lightning protection has become more and more indispensable.Based on the natural conditions around the building and characteristics of lightning,this thesis provides the lightning protection design according to the Design Code for Protection of Structures Against Lightning and Technical Code for Protection of Building Electrical Information System Against Lightning.Shanghai Design Center is an intelligent building belonging to the second type of lightning protection building.Due to the height of the west building,it is not only vulnerable to direct lightning strike but also to sideflash.If lightning strike the top of the building,it will emerge higher induced overvoltage than common building.The design includes external and internal lightning protection systems.The external protection system consists of air-termination system,down-conductor system,earth-termination system and strapping.The internal lightning protection system includes:shield,lightning equipotential bonding,SPD system etc.Through the combination of eternal lightning protection system and internal lightning protection system,we can protect the building from the danger of lightning and ensure the scurity of people.

Key words: air-termination;earth-termination;electronic information system;SPD





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