
 2022-01-18 12:01


目 录

摘要 1

0 引言 3

1 案例分析 4

2 现场勘查 5

3 建筑物防雷等级划分 5

3.1 建筑物等效面积 6

3.2 雷击年平均密度 6

3.3 建筑物年预计雷击次数 7




Abstract: in today's social environment, the urban population density of Nanjing is increasing rapidly, the scale of the city expansion and the rapid development of the subway, the subway lines in many cities are no longer only built in the underground, the ground section and the elevated bridge section have been opened and run. In addition, the subway viaduct sections are generally located on the open road, and there are no tall buildings around it, so lightning flashing becomes the biggest factor that threatens the safe operation of the subway. In order to reduce the unsafe hidden danger of subway operation, improve the safety of the subway operation and ensure people's daily travel, according to the Nanjing subway ningtian S8 viaduct section, taking the Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology station as an example, the lightning protection grade is divided, and the comprehensive wiring, lightning protection and surge protector of the station are carried out. The design principle of lightning protection for elevated platform is proposed. According to the lightning parameters of the contact network and pier between the viaduct sections of the line, the lightning protection measures are put forward for the subway viaduct section, and the reasonable lightning protection measures are given in Nanjing ningtian S8 line elevated bridge section. For reference,it is the lightning protection for ningtian S8 line and the other Nanjing subway viaduct sections.

Key words: subway elevated platform; overhead contact line; lightning parameters; surge protector; lightning protection measures

0 引言



当今在地铁高架接触网的雷电防护方面主要针对一般铁路,在国内,方春华等人从地铁供电制式的角度出发,讨论出了有关地铁接触网雷电防护设计的措施[1]。周军等人在地铁接触网的设计中建立了高架区段的电气软件模型,并且在雷电击中不同部位时,给了断路率理论公式计算以及评估方法[2]。关志成等人对高速运行的地铁供电系统分析了其已有的防雷措施,提出了该系统防雷设计的缺陷与不足[3]。王永福等人通过对地铁接触网防雷保护性能的评估,做出了能够给地铁接触网提供保护效果的模型,提出了高速地铁接触网的防雷方案[4]。在国外,R.H.GOLED注意到建高度对供电线路的影响,率先建立了电气几何模型[5]。Eriksson A J.等人发现了供电线路对雷电有吸引,增加了吸引距离,更改了之前的电气几何模型[6~7]。Kitchin F B.等学者基于已经建立的等效电路模型和铁路接触网之间的关联,在电气化轨道供电线路方面的防雷设计进行了研究[8]。Paul D.等人在研究地铁直流供电系统的受雷击水平方面,运用了等效电路模型[9]


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