
 2022-07-17 13:58:02


摘 要





With the continuous deepening of China's demand response research and the continuous advancement of the electric power market, the interaction between the power supply and demand sides has become more frequent. The main players involved in the demand response have become more diversified, and the implementation process will be more complicated than in the traditional situation. It is difficult for participants to make reasonable decisions in demand response. Under this background, based on game theory, this paper conducts a demand response study under the joint participation of power grid company, retailers, and users. It aims to provide decision-making reference for participants in demand response. The main research contents are as follows:

The application framework of game theory in incentive-responsive demand is proposed. Based on this, the demand-response benefit model of multi-users, retailers and power grid company is established. Based on the Stackelberg model, the demand response game model of retailer and multi-users and the demand-response game model of power grid company and users are constructed respectively. The game equilibrium of the established model is obtained by using the analytical method, and the solving algorithm and flow are proposed. In the course of response game between retailer and multiple users, an example was used to analyze the impact of market real-time electricity prices on the strategies and benefits of retailer and users. In the course of the response game between the power grid company and multiple user demands, an example was used to analyze the impact of individual users changing their responsiveness on their own and other participants’ response revenues. Based on the simulation results, suggestions are made for users.

KEY WORDS: Demand response, Game theory, Analytic method

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 需求响应研究现状 1

1.2.2 博弈论在需求响应中的应用 2

1.2.3 国内外研究不足 2

1.2.4 本文主要工作 3

第二章 博弈论在多方主体需求响应中的应用框架及理论基础 4

2.1 多方主体参与需求响应的博弈理论架构 4

2.1.1 售电商与多元用户间的需求响应博弈关系 4

2.1.2 电网与多元用户间的需求响应博弈关系 4

2.2 博弈模型的选取 4

2.2.1 博弈理论概述 4

2.2.2 博弈模型的选取 5

2.3 Stackelberg博弈模型理论基础 5

2.4 本章小结 6

第三章 售电商与多元用户间的需求响应分析 7

3.1 多元用户收益模型 7

3.2 售电商收益模型 9

3.3 售电商与多元用户间的博弈模型 10

3.4 博弈模型求解 10

3.4.1 解析法求解博弈模型 11

3.4.2 解析结果分析 15

3.4.3 解析法求解博弈模型算法流程 17

3.5 算例分析 18

3.5.1 算例介绍 18

3.5.2 计算结果分析 18

3.6 本章小结 21

第四章 电网与多元用户间的需求响应分析 22

4.1 多元用户收益模型 22

4.2 电网收益模型 22

4.3 电网与多元用户间的博弈模型及求解方法 24

4.3.1 电网与多元用户间的需求响应博弈模型 24

4.3.2 解析法求解博弈模型 25

4.4 算例分析 27

4.4.1 算例介绍 27

4.4.2 计算结果分析 27

4.5 本章小结 30

第五章 结论与展望 31

5.1 结论 31

5.2 展望 31

致 谢 32

参考文献 33




在上述背景下,需求响应在全球电力发展中脱颖而出,并得到了大规模的实践。需求响应(demand response,DR)是指电力用户收到供电方发出的诱导性电力价格改变信号或者减少负荷的直接补偿通知后,改变自身原有的用电模式,减少或推移某时段的用电负荷,从而促进电力供需平衡、保障电网稳定运行的短期行为[1]。按照发布者所发布的响应信号不同,一般将需求响应分为基于价格的需求响应和基于激励的需求响应两种类型。需求响应不仅推动了多元用户与电网供需双方的良好互动;同时需求响应的实施也可以削减高峰电力负荷,提高电力系统可靠性;此外,需求响应在提高能源利用效率以及优化资源配置等方面具有重要意义。


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