
 2022-07-18 12:30:34


摘 要





With the development of science and technology and economy, the world is facing severe energy and environmental issues. China, as a big energy-consuming country and a big emitter of greenhouse gases, should take the heavy responsibility of energy conservation and emission reduction. In August 2013, the State Grid Corporation of China proposed the concept of “electric power replacement” and advocated a new model of “using electricity to replace coal, electricity instead of oil, electricity from a distance, and coming from clean electricity” open a new situation in electricity demand side management. However, this new type of energy-saving emission reduction project still lacks an effective quantitative assessment method, and it is urgently needed to carry out research and promotion of such projects for power grid companies.

In this context, this article first introduced the development status of domestic and foreign electric power replacement projects, studied the main methods of power flow calculation and power flow tracking, and then established the corresponding power flow tracking model and carbon flow tracking model. Subsequently, the two indicators of energy conservation and emission reduction assessment—the energy consumption coefficient and the carbon emission coefficient calculation method—were studied. The IEEE 14-bus system was used as an example for simulation calculation. Next, the electric vehicle is used as a typical electric power replacement project. The calculation method of the energy consumption and carbon emissions in the report period of the electric vehicle project is designed. The principle of energy conservation is used to analyze the energy consumption and carbon emissions of the base period of the traditional fuel vehicle. The simulation results show that the introduction of clean energy into the power generation side and the orderly charging of electric vehicles can prompt the effect of energy conservation and emission reduction of electric vehicles. Finally, an electric vehicle charging station operation strategy is proposed to encourage and guide users to charge in an orderly charging mode.

KEY WORDS: energy conservation and emission reduction; electric power replacement; power flow tracking;electric vehicle

目 录

摘 要 I


目 录 1

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 课题国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 典型电能替代项目 2

1.2.2 潮流及碳流跟踪模型 5

1.3 本文主要研究内容及工作 6

第二章 基于潮流跟踪的电能替代项目节能减排效果评估方法 8

2.1 引言 8

2.2 潮流计算 8

2.3 潮流跟踪模型 10

2.3.1 基本原则 10

2.3.2 基本概念 11

2.3.3 假设与步骤 11

2.3.4 数学模型 12

2.4 节能减排指标 14

2.4.1 能耗系数计算方法 14

2.4.2 碳排放系数计算方法 14

2.5 算例及结果 15

2.5.1 仿真条件设定 15

2.5.2 仿真结果及分析 18

2.6 本章小结 24

第三章 电动汽车节能减排效果评价 25

3.1 引言 25

3.2 电动汽车节能减排指标计算 26

3.2.1 基本概念 26

3.2.2 电动汽车能耗量计算方法 26

3.2.3 电动汽车碳排放量计算方法 26

3.3 传统燃油汽车节能减排指标计算 27

3.3.1 基本概念 27

3.3.2 燃油汽车基本参数计算 27

3.3.3 燃油汽车能耗量计算方法 28

3.3.4 燃油汽车碳排放量计算方法 28

3.4 算例及结果 29

3.4.1 仿真条件设定 29

3.4.2 仿真结果及分析 31

3.5 本章小结 32

第四章 计及碳减排效果的充电站运营策略 33

4.1 引言 33

4.2 考虑碳减排效果的电动汽车充电站运营收益 33

4.2.1 国外充电设施现状 33

4.2.2 碳交易环境下充电站运营收益 34

4.3 用户激励方案 34

4.4 算例分析 34

第五章 结论与展望 36

5.1 结论 36

5.2 展望 36

致 谢 37

参考文献 38




根据国际组织“全球碳计划”于2017年11月13日所作的最新科学研究报告“2017全球碳预算(2017 Global Carbon Budget)”,目前世界上最大的碳排放国家是中国,中国的碳排放量占全球总量的28%。因此,作为全球温室气体排放的大国,中国理应更好地承担起减少温室气体排放的重任。近年来,随着国家经济和科技的发展、以及全民受教育程度的不断提高,中国国民不再只仅仅关注自己的生活水平,同时也对气候问题和环境变化投入了很多的关注。大家都逐渐意识到,因为中国最早只注重发展而不重视环保,才导致了现在气候变暖、海平面上升、雾霾问题越来越严重,所以在当前阶段,中国需要对发展和环境保护“两手抓”。在2009年12月召开的哥本哈根世界气候大会上,中国明确提出了减排的目标,即到2020年单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放相比于2005年下降40%-45%。


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