
 2022-07-18 12:31:30


摘 要

综合能源系统(Integrated Energy System, IES)可以实现各种能源的优化利用,在解决能源浪费,环境污染等方面有光明应用前景。冷热电联供(Combined Cooling Heating and Power, CCHP)系统是建立在冷、热、电综合供应基础上的能源供给系统,通过一体化生产实现能源的梯级利用,达到节能环保,安全高效的要求。





The Integrated Energy System (IES) can achieve optimal use of various energy sources and has outstanding application prospects in solving energy waste and environmental pollution. The Combined Cooling Heating and Power (CCHP) system is a polygeneration energy system that integrates cooling, heating, and power generation processes based on the use of energy cascades. It integrates high-tech and equipment, and provides cold and hot electricity at the same time, which is of great significance for the saving of energy systems and protecting the ecological environment.

The rational planning of the CCHP system is a prerequisite for the system to be able to adapt to the day and night characteristics of the cold and hot electricity load, seasonal characteristics, power fluctuations to stabilize the access to renewable energy sources, and to satisfy the multiple energy demand and supply balance; the energy optimization management of the CCHP system is to make each system within The unit operates efficiently, increasing the penetration rate of renewable energy and improving the economic and energy efficiency of the system. It is the most direct approach to environmental benefits.

This topic focuses on the collaborative planning of multi-regional integrated energy systems, which includes: combing the multi-regional integrated energy system planning process with heat networks; establishing a simplified model of the heat network, considering the node flow constraints in the heat network and heat loss constraints in the pipeline; Based on this, combining the energy balance constraints of CCHP system, a mixed integerted linear programming model for multi-area CCHP system capacity optimization is established. Based on examples, the interaction of cold and heat energy of CCHP system in each region and the change of heat quantity in the heat network pipeline are analyzed. Demonstrate the complementary characteristics of supply and demand among regional integrated energy systems.

Keywords:Multi-area IES; Thermal network energy model; CCHP; Mixed integer linear programming


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 背景及研究意义 1

1.2 课题研究现状 1

1.2.1国内外IES发展概述 1

1.2.2 IES建模 2

1.2.3 IES规划 3

1.2.4 IES能量管理 3

1.2.5 IES研究趋势 4

1.3 本文主要工作 4

第二章 多区域IES规划流程及热网模型 6

2.1系统规划流程 6

2.2热网建模 6

2.2.1 热网简化模型 7

2.2.2 温度流量方程 9

2.2.3 运行费用 10

2.3小结 11

第三章 多区域IES协同规划模型 12

3.1 CCHP设备建模 12

3.1.1 燃气轮机 12

3.1.2 光伏发电 12

3.1.3 储能装置 13

3.1.4 其他装置 14

3.2 系统结构 15

3.3 协同规划模型 16

3.3.1 目标函数 16

3.3.2 约束条件 17

3.4 模型求解 19

第四章 算例仿真与分析 20

4.1系统结构及仿真参数 20

4.2 仿真结果分析 21

4.2.1 配置结果分析 21

4.2.2各区域IES独立规划结果 22

4.2.3 多区域IES协同规划结果 27

4.3 小结 36

结论 37

致谢 38

参考文献 39

附录 43

第一章 绪论

1.1 背景及研究意义

随着国际形势日益严峻,我国超高速发展带动的能源需求增长开始放缓,我国能源结构急需转型,传统产能过剩,环境压力过大,能源利用效率较低等问题日益突出[43]。而近年来解决方案的探索推动了微电网技术发展迅速[1]。区域综合能源系统(Integrated Energy System, IES)成为了建设安全、环保、节能、高效的现代能源体系的重要方案。突破传统能源格局,充分考虑电、气、冷、热多方面能源的协同耦合[2]。从供给端到消费端协同规划,发展从规划建设到运行的有机结合,以冷热电联供(Combined Cooling Heating and Power, CCHP)为重点的综合能源系统展现了其不可替代的先进作用[3]。是能源可以持续利用,新能源新革命的必然发展方向。热电联产设备和可再生能源近来引起了相当多的研究关注。相比于传统的CCHP系统,CCHP微电网具有更新颖和更丰富的功能。CCHP微电网不仅能够满足多种负荷需求如冷、热和电功率需求,统筹多种类型负荷[4],还与主电网互联提供储备、需求响应服务,同时提高了可再生能源的整合能力,丰富了能源的来源[5]。 “智能能源网络”(IEN)的概念被提出来,代表着跨多种能源包括电力、热力、燃气、生物燃料等的综合生产交易消费的智能管理系统。 CCHP微电网将在这类能源综合系统中发挥重要作用[6]。



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