
 2022-07-18 12:41:34


摘 要








In this thesis, it designs and simulates 3kW wireless power transfer coupling mechanism for small power electric cars.

Firstly, it introduces the related background of the wireless power transfer technology, present situation of domestic and foreign development, the type of current wireless power transfer coupling mechanism, and the necessity of engineering which wireless power transfer technology applies to, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of using different ways to do wireless power transmission.

Secondly, under the target condition of 3kW transmission power and established efficiency, the thesis selected a series-series (SS) topological structure by analyzing transmission performance of magnetic coupling resonant wireless power transfer[1] coupling mechanism under different topology structure, and the working frequency, resonator parameters and power topology are theoretically derived, and the parameters design and compensation network design of the coil are completed, including the coil coupling mode, resonant network, electromagnetic shielding and heat dissipation mode.

Then on the basis of parameter analysis, researched the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of coil structure, and selected the DD type coil. The field-circuit model was established by using ANSYS simulation software, and the parameter design and system index were verified to meet the specified requirements, and efficiency optimization was performed by using load matching techniques.

Finally, the influence of ferromagnetic metal shielding and non-ferromagnetic metal shielding on the electromagnetic environment was analyzed. According to the requirements of electromagnetic radiation in the national standard, aluminum plate was used as electromagnetic shielding, and the empirical evidence met the requirements of relevant indexes modeling in the ANSYS simulation software.

KEY WORDS: Wireless power transfer, 3kW coupling mechanism, DD type coil modeling, load matching techniques, electromagnetic shielding


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 背景 1

1.2 无线电能传输国内外研究现状 4

1.2.1 国内发展现状 4

1.2.2 国外发展现状 5

1.3 不同类型的无线电能传输方式 8

1.3.1 磁耦合谐振式无线电能传输方式 8

1.3.2 电磁感应式无线电能传输方式 9

1.3.3 两种无线电能传输方式优缺点分析 9

第二章 理论分析 10

2.1 拓扑结构分析 10

2.2 线圈参数设计 11

2.3 本章小结 16

第三章 3kW无线传能耦合机构模型 17

3.1 模型结构设计与仿真 17

3.2 效率优化 26

3.3 本章小结 27

第四章 电磁屏蔽 28

4.1 电磁屏蔽方式 29

4.2 电磁屏蔽方案设计及仿真 30

4.3 本章小结 32

第五章 总结 33

致谢 35

参考文献 36






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