
 2021-12-23 20:32:05


摘 要




  1. 时域上选取日最小负荷率、日负荷率、峰谷差率、峰时平均负荷率、谷时平均负荷率作为电力负荷特性分析的特征向量,频域上则选择Y和各频段的λ,即如何选择出正确的、科学的指标来对电力负荷进行分类。
  2. 选择类内与类间距离的组合的方法作为评判最优分类结果的标准,结果证明这种方法确实准确且有效;
  3. 选择改进后的最近邻聚类法对负荷进行分类,有效地避免了人为确定R的初值对结果的影响;
  4. 将基于时域与频域负荷特性分析指标的聚类结果进行比较,并进行了分析。




Energy is gradually deficient, also are electricity resources period power shortage. Therefor, without increasing the generating capacity, the Power Demand Side Management is becoming increasingly important, and ordered electricity as an important part of Power Demand Side Management, which plays a great role. And the user classification be useful for ordered electricity.

From the perspective of which methods and techniques the user classification need to use, I introduce the indexes and methods of the characteristics analysis of power load used in the time domain and frequency domain, the classification of power load, commonly used cluster analysis, similarity measure and evaluation function. Then, I display and analysis the results of load classification in time domain and frequency domain, and compare the results .

Overall, work that I need to do is as follows:

  1. The daily minimum load factor, daily load factor, peak-valley difference factor, the load factor of peak, and the load factor of valley are selected as the feature vectors to analysis the power load characteristic in the time domain, Y and λ each band in the frequency domain. That is, how to select the correct, scientific index to classify the power load.
  2. The method that combines the distance between the classes and in a class is chosen as a criteria to pick up the optimal classification, which is proved that this method is accurate and efficient.
  3. The improved nearest neighbor clustering algorithm is used in load classification, and avoid effectively that the artificially-determined initial value of R influences on cluster result.
  4. The clustering results based on the indexes to analysis load characteristics in time domain and frequency domain are compared and analyzed.

Studies in this thesis are helpful to find more scientific and effective load classification and a various analysis indexes of load characteristic in the time domain and frequency domain.

Keywords: Load Classification, Clustering Analysis, Analysis Indexes of Load Characteristic, Time Domain, Frequency Domain.

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract III

目 录 V

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 有序用电国内外研究现状 2

1.2.2 电力负荷特性分析的意义 3

1.2.3 负荷特性分析的国内外研究现状 3

1.3 本文内容简介 4

第二章 电力负荷特性及其分析基础 7

2.1 电力负荷的分类 7

2.2 主要的电力负荷特性指标 8

2.3 本文采用的电力负荷特性指标 9

2.4 本章小结 10

第三章 电力系统负荷分类的基本理论 13

3.1 负荷分类方法简介 13

3.1.1 引言 13

3.1.2 系统聚类法 13

3.1.3 动态聚类法 14

3.1.4 最近邻聚类法 14

3.1.5 模糊聚类法 14

3.1.6 神经网络聚类 15

3.2 相似性度量和评价函数 16

3.2.1 相似性度量 16

3.2.2 评价函数 17

3.3 本章小结 18

第四章 电力系统负荷分类算例分析 19

4.1 数据说明 19

4.1.1 数据来源说明 19

4.1.2 数据预处理 19

4.2 分类方法及评价体系 21

4.2.1 所采用评价体系 21

4.2.2 所采用的分类方法 21

4.3 电力负荷分类结果及分析 23

4.3.1 基于时域特性指标的分类结果及分析 23

4.3.2 基于频域特性指标的分类结果及分析 29

4.3.3 时域和频域特性指标分类结果的比较 36

4.4 本章小结 36

第五章 总结与展望 37

5.1 总结 37

5.2 展望 37

致谢 39

参考文献 41

附录 43





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