摘 要
In this paper, a substation design software is introduced, which can help designers to simplify the design process of substation to a certain extent. There are many processes in the design process of substations that can be solved by programming, such as power flow short circuit calculation, power equipment selection, etc. Programming to solve these repetitive problems can reduce the burden on designers and accelerate the substation design process. This substation design software uses VBA programming and can be run directly on a computer with Excel and visio software installed. In the design software of the substation, the designer can complete the primary wiring design of the substation with the assistance of the graphic interaction module. In one of the mold modules, the drawing of common power components and the setting of corresponding attributes have been completed, and only a simple drag and drop operation is required. After the main wiring design is completed, the program will generate network node data, run power flow calculation and short circuit calculation in the calculation module, and obtain the network power flow and voltage distribution and short circuit current distribution. The results are used to select and verify each power equipment Shown in the graphics module. The power flow calculation uses the classical Newton-Raphson method to solve, and the short-circuit calculation uses the matrix method to solve the multivariate equations. For each corresponding device selection, after the designer enters the necessary data, the program will automatically complete the device selection and verification, select the device that meets the requirements in the data table, and give the device model and parameters that meet the requirements. Substation design software can assist in the completion of substation design work and has a certain positive effect.
Key words: VBA programming;Power flow calculation;Computer Aided Design
摘要 1
Abstract 2
1绪论 4
1.1课题的内容、意义 4
1.1.1课题的内容 4
1.1.2课题的意义 4
1.2课题背景 5
1.3本课题主要工作 5
1.4特色及创新 6
2电力网设计 8
2.1模块构成 8
2.2各模块功能 8
2.2.1原始数据输入模块 8
2.2.2电力网选择设计模块 8
2.2.3精确潮流计算模块 9
2.2.4调压计算模块 9
2.3本章小结 10
3电力网绘制 11
3.1利用Visio制图 11
3.2电力网典型接线 11
3.2.1单射式 12
3.2.2双射式 12
3.2.3环网式 13
3.2.4N供一备式 13
3.3本章小结 14
4电力系统潮流计算 15
4.1潮流计算模块 15
4.2牛顿 - 拉夫逊潮流计算方法 15
4.3牛顿方法的原理分析 16
4.4牛顿方法的收敛性分析 16
4.5潮流计算程序设计 17
4.6潮流计算算法的优化提升 17
5结论与展望 18
5.1结论 18
5.2展望 18
谢辞 20
参考文献 21
第一章 绪论
Microsoft Office作为一套常用的办公软件套装,大部分人都能够熟练使用。常用组件有 Word、Excel、Visio等,提供了强大的文字、数据、图形处理功能。Excel作为一款电子表格软件,提供了出色的计算功能和图表工具;Visio 作为一款专业的绘图软件,简单、便捷;VBA是Microsoft Office内置的编程语言,与Basic语言互相兼容,采用可视化编程环境。