
 2022-12-25 10:52:14


摘 要



关键词 :负荷指标预测 BP神经元网络 MATLAB


Power system load forecasting is one of the important contents of power grid energy management system. According to the load forecasting value, it can reasonably arrange the power purchase plan and make the operation mode, which is of great significance to the reliable and economic operation of power system. Short term load forecasting usually refers to the monthly, weekly and daily load index forecasting. With the development of power market, short-term load forecasting has been paid more and more attention. The central content of this paper is the method of power market forecasting and the significance of power system forecasting. Load forecasting is divided into long-term forecasting, medium term forecasting, short-term forecasting and ultra short-term forecasting. After reading a lot of documents and materials about power system market prediction, I think it is most appropriate to use BP neural network to predict power market.

In recent years, artificial neural network (ANN) is regarded as a new subject with its advantages, which has been paid attention to by many countries. In this paper, the power consumption data from Marche 8 to April 8, 2018 in Xicheng power grid of Yixing City, Jiangsu Province are selected for power consumption analysis and processing. These data are used for network training, and different time periods from Monday to Friday and Saturday to Sunday are distinguished for prediction. Based on BP neural network, Matlab is used to simulate prediction and draw load curve. Finally, the reasonable conclusion and final result are summarized.

Key words: load index prediction BP neural network matlab


摘要 1

Abstract 2

第一章 绪论 5

1.1 负荷预测的简述与分类 5

1.2 负荷预测现状 6

1.3 本设计的研究方式 7

第二章 负荷预测的简述 8

2.1 负荷预测的含义 8

2.2 负荷预测的意义 8-

2.3 负荷的分类 8

2.4 负荷预测的分类 8

2.5 短期负荷预测 9

2.6 负荷预测方的方法分类 9

2.6.1趋势分析法 9

2.6.2 回归分析法 9

2.6.3 指数平滑法 10

2.6.4 单耗法 10

2.6.5 模糊预测法 10

2.6.6 负荷密度法 11

2.6.7 弹性系数法 11

2.6.8 总结 11

2.7 总结归纳各种方法的适用范围和适用条件: 11

第三章 神经网络 11

3.1 人工智能的发展历史 13

3.1.1 人工神经元网络 13

3.1.2 人工神经元网络的历史 13

3.2 神经元网络运行原理 14

3.3 人工神经元网络的缺点 14

3.4 人工神经元网络的学习………………. 14

第四章 BP神经元网………………………………………………………………...14

4.1 BP神经元算法的概述 16

4.2 BP神经元网络的基本结构 16

4.2.1 正方向传播 17

4.2.2 反向传播 17



4.2.5 激活函数……………………………………………………………19





第五章运用BP神经元网络完成预测 21

5.1 数据分析 21

5.2 数据划分 21

5.2.1 预测的原理 21

5.2.2数据处理的方法 21

5.2.3 数据归一化 21

5.3仿真结果 22

第六章 总结 28

6.1 实验总结 28

参考文献 28

负荷预测样本数据 29

第一章 绪论



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