
 2022-12-25 10:52:20


摘 要


关键词 电力系统,负荷预测,BP神经元网络,matlab仿真


In order to ensure the stable, reliable and safe operation of the power system and to reasonably allocate the output of each power plant in the system, it is becoming increasingly important to predict the load of the power system. This paper mainly describes the meaning of power system load and the significance of load forecasting, briefly introduces various load forecasting methods and compares various load forecasting methods including their advantages and disadvantages and their applicable environment. Load forecasting is mainly divided into ultra-short-term forecasting, short-term forecasting, medium-term forecasting, and long-term forecasting. The research object of this paper is short-term load forecasting. After a comprehensive comparison of forecasting methods, consider using BP neural network as a method to study short-term load forecasting. In recent years, artificial neural networks have gained more and more advantages in load prediction due to their good pattern recognition ability, excellent self-organization, strong nonlinear mapping ability, learning ability, memory ability, fault tolerance and robustness. application. Considering the impact of weather and holidays on the load, this paper selected the load data of a power grid in Jiangsu area from August 6 to August 27, 2018 for data analysis and preprocessing, and used these data to train the network. And select working days and rest days for load forecast. Based on the multi-layer feedforward network BP neuron network analysis method, the MATLAB platform simulation is used to draw the load forecast curve, and compared with the actual load data to verify and propose an improved method.

Key words power system,load forecasting,artificial neural network,matlab



摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 - 1 -

1.1 负荷预测的目的和意义 - 1 -

1.2 国内外研究现状 - 2 -

1.3 本文主要研究内容 - 3 -

第二章 负荷预测概述 - 5 -

2.1 负荷预测的含义 - 5 -

2.2 负荷预测的意义 - 5 -

2.3 负荷的分类 - 5 -

2.4 负荷预测的分类 - 5 -

2.5 短期负荷预测 - 5 -

2.6 负荷预测方法的分类 - 6 -

2.6.1 时间序列法 - 6 -

2.6.2 回归分析法 - 6 -

2.6.3 支持向量机法 - 7 -

2.6.4 模糊预测法 - 7 -

2.6.5 小波分析技术 - 7 -

2.6.6 组合方法预测技术 - 8 -

2.6.7 灰色预测法 - 8 -

2.6.8 总结 - 8 -

2.7 总结归纳各种方法的适用范围和适用条件: - 8 -

第三章 神经网络 - 10 -

3.1 人工智能的概念及发展 - 10 -

3.1.1 人工神经元网络概述 - 10 -

3.1.2 发展简史 - 10 -

3.2 基本研究内容 - 11 -

3.3 主要缺陷 - 11 -

3.4 学习规则 - 11 -

第四章 BP神经元网络 - 13 -

4.1 BP算法简介 - 13 -

4.2 BP神经网络的基本结构 - 13 -

4.2.1 正向传播 - 14 -

4.2.2 反向传播 - 14 -

第五章 基于BP神经元网络的负荷预测 - 19 -

5.1 案例分析 - 19 -

5.2 过程处理 - 19 -

5.2.1 数据分类 - 19 -

5.2.2 输入向量和目标输出向量的选择 - 19 -

5.2.3 数据预处理 - 19 -

5.2.4 训练仿真结果 - 21 -

第六章 总结 - 26 -

6.1 实验总结 - 26 -

谢辞 - 27 -

参考文献 - 28 -

附录1 负荷预测样本数据 - 29 -

附录2 matlab负荷预测的程序代码 - 33 -


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