
 2023-02-07 08:54:47


摘 要






With the progress of modern society and the continuous expansion of power grid scale, our demand for power increases sharply, and at the same time, the demand for power quality also increases synchronously. So the oncoming question is, how do we do that in a safe and stable way, in a way that is both economical and efficient, but also improves the quality of the electricity. Through the study of power system analysis, we can know that the reactive power optimization of power system is an effective means, which can not only improve the voltage quality of the power grid, but also reduce the active power loss. At the same time, the whole system is still in an economic, stable and safe operation mode. Therefore, our research on reactive power optimization of power system is imperative or extremely valuable.

Reactive power optimization problem is a power system optimization problem that has long puzzled people. The traditional optimization method we used before has great limitations and relies heavily on the establishment of mathematical model. At the same time, the objective function must be continuously differentiable. With the development of artificial intelligence algorithm, it has great advantages to solve such discrete and nonlinear problems. The problem of reactive power improvement of power system is solved by the genetic algorithm which is included in the intelligent algorithm.

Based on the essence of reactive power improvement, genetic algorithm is used to solve the problem of reactive power improvement in detail. At the same time, MATLAB language was used to carry out the simulation optimization of ieee-30 node, and the data results verified that the application of genetic algorithm to the reactive power optimization problem effectively solved some disadvantages of the traditional method.

Key words:Power system;reactive power optimization;genetic algorithm;power flow calculation;Optimal power flow;MATLAB simulation


摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1无功优化的研发现状 1

1.2.2算法的研究现状 1

1.3本文主要研究内容 3

第二章 电力系统无功优化模型和潮流计算 5

2.1无功优化的数学模型 5

2.1.1目标函数的表示 5

2.1.2等式约束条件 6

2.1.3不等式约束条件 6

2.2电力系统无功优化问题的特点 7

2.3电力系统潮流计算 8

2.3.1潮流计算的数学模型 8

2.3.2电力系统潮流计算方法 10

2.4本章小结 13

第三章 基于遗传算法的电力系统无功优化 14

3.1遗传算法的概述 14

3.2遗传算法的基本原理 14

3.3遗传算法的无功优化过程 16

3.4遗传算法的应用领域 17

3.5本章小结 18

第四章 算例仿真分析 19

4.1MATLAB简介 19

4.2IEEE30节点标准系统仿真分析 19

4.3本章小结 25

第五章 结论与展望 26

5.1结论 26

5.2展望 26

致谢 27

参考文献 28

第一章 绪论





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