
 2023-03-25 18:03:37


摘 要





Large-scale introduction of electric vehicles will be a substantial increase in power load distribution network. If the electric car charging network is disordered, so as people in the use of electric vehicles, personal habits vary, different focus, randomness and time on the use of space on the use of time, will most likely damage to the power grid. For example, the quality of electric vehicles produce harmonic pollution will reduce energy, to make the grid capacity utilization decreased, unstable operation equipment, resulting in a tremendous waste of grid investment and so on. Today, large-scale electric vehicle charging impact on the grid to bring disorder and how to effectively control the disorderly charge of malpractice has been closely watched public. Although electric vehicles have been related research, some of the more typical charging scheduling model has also been a detailed discussion and understanding. However, those electric car charging based demand response scheduling research is very rare. If price factors could affect the electricity consumption of electric car users, how to combine consumer psychology pricing,conduct electricity at a time which is most effective stimulus, and how electricity plays role in this process, which we need in-depth inquiry.

The main object of this study is a private dedicated electric vehicles and charging the main way to slow recharge your way, and to this end, introduce the concept of an orderly charge and creates the corresponding mathematical model to describe the change in peak electricity periods How to conduct a series of electric vehicle owners to influence the choice of charging time; and in the end, I will build an electric car model, requiring the original grid network of electric vehicles in the future to achieve the optimal effect of load shifting, and as for the optimization model.

Keywords: Electric cars; Matlab simulation; price incentives; orderly charge; optimization model; demand-side ring

目 录

摘 要 III

Abstract IV

目 录 V

第一章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2电动汽车的社会效益 1

1.3电动汽车发展存在的几个问题 1

1.4负荷影响因素 2

1.4.1电动汽车的普及程度 2

1.4.2 大规模电动汽车入网分析 3

1.4.3电动汽车充电模式 3

1.4.4电动汽车充电习惯 3

1.4.5 电网负荷的波动性的分析 5

1.5 本章小结 6

第二章 基于需求响应的有序充电的描述 7

2.1电动汽车有序充电的概念及其必要性 7

2.2 需求侧响应的分类 7

2.3分析峰谷电价与电动汽车用户的响应 8

2.4 两个描述需求响应的因素 9

2.4.1电动汽车充电用户转移比例 9

2.4.2 峰谷电价比 10

2.5 波谷时间段电价的影响因素 11

2.5.1 波谷电价和充电时间 11

2.5.2 波谷电价和转移比例 12

2.5.3用户充电转移比例和用户充电时刻 12

2.5.4 波谷电价和用户充电时刻 13

2.6 本章小结 14

第三章 电动汽车有序充电的最优化结果 15

3.1 多元函数波谷电价的定义 15

3.2 多元函数求偏导得到最优化结果 15

3.3 本章小结 16

第四章 结论与展望 17

4.1 结论 17

4.2 未来的工作展望 17

参考文献 18

致 谢 21

第一章 绪论



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